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"Relax guys am fine." I said.

"Well you punched too hard." Muhammad said while putting and bandage on my knuckles.

"She deserves it." Munira added.

"When I saw her face. I just suspected that she was a brat." Fadeela said and sipped her coffee.

"I know r-" before I could finish the door of the living room bursts open.
Their mom came in with Amina looking angry.

"Why did you punch her?!" She yelled at me.

I stood there quiet because I did not expect this.

"Didn't I ask you a question."

"She insulted mom." I answered.

"And what gave you the right to punch her?!" She yelled.

"She called my mom a hypocrite and a prostitute." I said.

"And it's not like she's lying!" She said.

"Excuse me?" Me and Munira said at the same time.

"Mom why ate you behaving like this?" Muhammad asked.

"Because she's the reason why your father left us. It's all her others fault." She said. What does my mom have to do with that.

"What ate you talking about. What does my mom have to do with that?" I said confused.

"She is the cause of their father left them. It was her fault he divorced me."

"My mom can't do such thing!" I practically yelled at her.

"That's why your father hates you. Because your mom cheated on him with my husband."

"what are you saying?" Muhammad asked.

"Your father is not always with us because he's with that woman. And later on I found out that Fatima was pregnant with Muhammad's baby."

"Are you saying that she's our...." Munira trailed off.

"Yes. She's to your step sister. Her mother was the other woman." She said. "So now.dp you have anything to say? Are you gonna deny it."

"I....I didn't...." I stammered in disbelief.

"Get out of my house. GET OUT!" She yelled and pointed towards the door.

I went out and ran away.

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