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Happy birthday to Hauwwee. Let's see the drama that's gonna happen. There's a little pepper at the end and don't even think of skipping *watching you* enjoy! <3♥♥♥

Yesterday Jamal came back with bloody hands. He beat Ashad up very bad.

Anyways that's all behind us, today am turning 16. Jamals said I should at least have a little fun. I just told her something simple so no one would think am a gold digger.

So I'll just invite Muhammad, the first person on my list, obvi, then Munira and Maimuna. That's it.

Then suddenly Jamal barged into my room. He was holding a delicious looking cupcake with a 16 candle on it.

"Happy birthday to the princess of beauty." He came in and closed the door behind him. I giggle as he sat on the bed. "Well aren't you gonna make a wish?"

I closed my eyes, wished for all this pain and drama to go away, prayed for mom and blew the candle.

He then brought out a small table knife and cut a pice of cake and fed it to me. "Aww thanks. I never knew you were so sweet." I said.

"Yeah only for today. But tomorrow I'll keep looking at you as that annoying troll I see everyday." He said and my smile dropped.

"You're a pain in the ass." I said.

It's already 4:00 pm and Jamals parents left us alone to enjoy ourselves.

"Happy birthday!" Muhammad yelled coming into the backyard. Jamal and I immediately stopped hugging.

"Ouhhh. Did we interrupt something?" Maimuna said.

"No." I said at the same time Jamal said "Yes."

"Well we brought gifts." Munira said and dropped a paper bag on the table.

"Well you should open mine first." Muhammad suggested.

"Okay." I said and picked up the blue and red stripped box on the table, I removed the ribbon and opened it. I picked up the Barcelona jersey and screamed. I literally jumped on Muhammad and hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Anything for my girlfri- I mean friend." He corrected.

"Mine next." I opened Muniras own and saw Aldo sneakers. My eyes opened wide.

"Aww. I wanted this for a long time. Thank you!" I said.

"You're welcome." She said back.

I carried Maimunas own and opened it. "I can't believe this! You got me iPhone 7+" I yelled and hugged her.

"Well you told me Ashad smashed your phone on the ground and I realise you didn't have any phone so I bought you one." She said.

"Thank you!" I said.

I opened Jamals own and my face turn into a frown. "Wow thanks. There's nothing in the box." I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome." He said smiling.

"You suck Jamal. You suck." Munira said and shook her head.

"Just kidding." He said gave me a small peach box.

I collected it aggressively and opened it. I saw a H necklace and earrings.

I hugged him. "Thank you."

Muhammad and I were standing far away from the rest.

"I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time. Since the day I met you I wanted to say that I lov-" ding dong!  The doorbell rang.

"Hauwa! Can you please get the door!" Jamal said.

"Ugh! I'll be back." I said and went straight to the door.

I opened it and saw he used a handkerchief and covered my nose making me to pass out.

Dun dun dun!!! That's the end of the book. Just kidding. Next chapter you'll find out who it is.

Don't read comments before the next chapter to avoid spoilers.

<3♥♥♥  don't read in the shadows and vote and comment your thoughts. I love to hear from you guys.

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