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I've uploaded chapter 17. Am uploading chapter 18 & 19right now.

Make sure you read them in order.

Comment- what you think.
And follow for follow.

I've been here for three straight days in this attic filled with dead bodies that smell, cobwebs and pipe with dirty drop of water coming out of it.

This attic is so dark that I ant even see my own hands and legs.

The door opens and the light is switched on. I see Safiya b holding a tray of food and water.

Since when Ashad locked me up in here, I've been eating all the good food I eat with him.

All I eat is mixture if Macaroni, Spaghetti, rice and stew every single morning, afternoon and night.

"I brought your food." Safiya said and kept the tray in front of me.

I push the tray away from me with my right leg. "I'm not hungry." I said.

"You have to eat, you haven't eaten since yesterday." She said with concern.

"What's the point in eating. Am still gonna die in the hell hole anyway." I said.

"I wish I could get you out of here but there's nothing I can do because that man is-"

"Safiya you may leave the attic now." Ashad said as he came in.

Safiya stood up and left.

"So, have you learnt your lesson now?" He said as he put his two hands inside the pocket of his denim jeans.

I just ignore him and look into another direction.

"You know, it's rude to ignore people." He said and smiled.

"And it's rude to lock people inside an attic with dead bodies while sitting on a dirty floor with cobwebs." I said.

"You look beautiful." He said and smiled. Again.

"Unbelievable." I said and shared my head.

Where did this crazy man come from?

"Playing strong. I like that." He said and smirked.

"You disgust me." I said.

He bent down and brought his stupid face close to mine. "You better not get on my nerves right now little girl."

I spat on his face. "I hate you more than I hate my life."

He grabbed my jaw with his right hand.

"You know am in a very bad mood right now and don't you make it worse or else you'll see my bad side. And you won't like it at all." He said. He let go of my jaw and smiled. "Goodnight sweetheart."

He said and walked over to the light switch and turn off the lights and left.

"BASTARD! " I yelled and kicked the box beside me.

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