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Well I've seen that some people like Muhammad alot. Some like Jamal and some likes Ashad.

I've seen everything and I've made my choice. So keep reading and voting.

Comment your thoughts. I love to hear from you guys.

Hauwa's P.O.V.

We entered Ashads house and he dragged me by the hair upstairs to his room.

Me pushed me inside and locked the door.

He came towards me and I moved backwards. Then he trapped me to the wall.

He starts to put his hand allover me.

"No. No. Please....s-s-stop." I said and tried pushing him away and he came closer and closer.

"I waited for this for a longggg time." He said.

I sobbed while he laughed. He continued to rub his hands allover me.

"Please stop. No. Noooo!"

I continue to squeeze something that was in my hand.

I shot my eyes open and sit up on the bed almost loosing my balance.

"Careful." I heard a voice and a hand helped me to sit on the bed.

"Than- YOU!" I said and Jamal did a toothy smile.

"That's a very bad way to say thank you to your ex." He said and kept smiling.

"Pervert." I said.

"Aww. Thank you barbie." He said.

"Why am I here?" I said.

"So you don't remember the accident?" He asked looking at me like am stupid.

"What accident?"

"I knew you always a fish brain." He said.

"Ex-" before I could finish Munira barged in.

"She stormed towards me." She smiled and then it dripped. "How are you doing?"

She said and I looked a little down.

"What's wrong? Did I say something bad?" She asked.

"No. I thought the both of you are gonna hate me?" I said.

"What made you think we're gonna hate you?" Muhammad and unit a said at the same time.

"We're even lucky to have you as our step sister." Munira said.

"But I think of you as my future girlfriend." Muhammad murmured to himself and we all heard him clearly.

We all turn to look at him. He saw us looking at him and we remained silent.

"Awkward." I said and everyone laughed.

I could.feel myself blush.

"Why did you tell me you and Jamal have been dating." She said and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Dadada....wha?" I said stupidly.

"Okay I didn't understand what you said. How long have you been dating?" She asked and crossed her arms.

"Ewww we're not dating and it'll never happen." I said as my face turn to a look of disgust.

"We've been dating for months." He said.

"Can you stop that." I said. "Please where are my crutches I need to go to the bathroom." I asked and looked around for it.

"You don't need it anymore." Maimuna said and smiled.

"What do you mean? I can't walk without it." I said.

"You hand surgery and it turned out successful." She said.

I didn't even realise it. My leg was even on the floor.

I guess I've gotten so used to It that's why.

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