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Safiya did a good job by helping those two. Now what's gonna happen? Are they gonna escape?

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He was about to drag my leg down.

I tried to hit his arm with my left leg but it was no use.

Fadeela was pulling me but it was no use because Ashad is stronger than her.

Safiya carried a glass and broke it on his head and his grip that was on my leg softened.

He fell on the floor and he looked at me.

"Please don't leave me. I love you." He said still on the floor.

"And I hate you. Goodbye forever Ashad." I said and we crawled into the vent.

I sighed in relief. God answered my prayers and helped us.

We reached out to the backyard and opened the door. We saw a white Camry waiting for us.

We entered the back seat and sat down.

Me and Fadeela hugged. I can't believe I we escaped Ashad.

The driver in the front asked us where we're going.

So I thought maybe we'll go to Fadeelas house but I remembered she's an Orphan all because of that mad man.

I told him the address of our house and he brought the engine to life and we started going.

We arrived at our duplex and I remembered we always keep a spare key under the mat.

I unlocked the door and came in.

Since I didn't see dads cat outside that means he's not around.

"Who's there?" I heard Maimunas voice and it came from the kitchen.

She came out with a knife and pointed it at us but she immediately dropped it on the floor when she saw me.

Her mouth was open. She ran towards me and hugged me very tight.

She let go and tears left her eyes.

She didn't even care about the dirt on me and she still hugged me.

"You escaped! How?!" She said. She looked at Fadeela and her face looked confused. "Who's this?"

"She's Fadeela. Fadeela this is my older sister Maimuna." They shook hands.

"I kept coming to Ashads house to beg him, I even got in my knees but he said he won't let you go. The next day I came back bit he said you're dead." She said. She looked so happy.

I was about to talk but I was cut off when the door open and dad came in.

He looked at me confused. "What is she doing here?" He said and gave me a look of disgust. "Aren't you supposed to be in your husbands house. Maimuna get her away from here before she destroys anymore things."

I looked at Maimuna. I sure she'll go with dad and kick me out.

"No." She said. "It was unfair to sell her to that man. She's not going anywhere."

"Well I can see you're going to join her. If you don't kick her out you're also going to get out of my house." He threatened.

There's no way he can kick her out because of me.

She was about to speak but I quickly interrupted her.

"Don't." I said and came close to her. "Don't worry I know where to go."

She nodded yes. We walk out of the house.

I knocked in front of Muniras house.

The door opened and I saw
Munira. She screamed and hugged me.

"Why are you covered in dirt?" She asked.

"I'll explain everything later." I said and she opened the door wider for me to come in.

I saw Muhammad on the couch and he saw me.

He stood up and he came to hug me.

"He let you go?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p' "I escaped."

"Bu-" Muhammad escaped when a woman spoke.

"What is she doing here?"

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