~°bonus chapter°~

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I'm adding this chapter so that you'll know what happened before when Maryam died. This time Hauwa's mom died.

Amir and dad went out to play golf so it's only me, Maimina and Maryam that's in the house.

We were in my room seated on the bed. Maimuna and Maryam sat on the couch while I sat on the bed so I won't hear their conversation.

"Are you sure it's alright to meet this guy. He can be dangerous." Maimuna whispered to Maryam.

"Don't worry Maimuna. I've been chatting with this guy for two months now so it's no big deal." Maryam whispered back.

They turn to look at me to make sure I'm not hearing. I pretend to watch TV and I laugh so they'll think am not listening.

"But still. You've never met him before. He can do something bad. How old is he?" Maimuna asked her.

"He's just twenty. And I've seen the picture of the guy. He's very handsome. His name is Ashad and he's not even a Nigerian. He's Arabian and he's from dubai." She said to Maimuna smiling.

"Even though he's from the U.S it doesn't matter. It's about your safety and you know that if dad finds out he won't take it likely with you." Maimuna said.

"Maimuna you're over reacting. He'll soon be here and layer when I come back you'll realise that you're wrong." Maryam said and stood up. "Be back later. By Hauwwee." She said and waved her hands at me and I waved back.

Maimina followed her downstairs and she told me to wait here till she gets back.

I stood up and went to the balcony.

I watched as Maryam entered a white GLK 350. She waved at Maimuna before she entered.

Then the car drove off and I went back to seat on the bed.

I just hope Maryam will come back safely.

I woke up around 10:00am and went to the bathroom. I washed my face andbrushed my teeth.

I went out of my room and walked towards Maimuna and Maryams room.

I opened the door slowly and saw Maimuna sleeping on her own bed and I look at Maryams bed which is at the extreme end and it was empty.

I close the door and went downstairs.

We were.all eating breakfast in the dining. Maimuna, ya Amir, dad and I.

We were eating in silence until dad spoke.

"Where's Maryam?" Dad asked Maimuna.

"I don't know. I thought she'll be back since yesterday." Maimuna answered.

"What do you mean? She went out yesterday. With who?" Dad asked.

Maimuna sighed. She had no choice but to tell him the truth.

"She told me that she going out with a guy called Ashad that she's been talking to through instagram and when she went out she didn't come back." Maimuna said which made dad to almost choke on his food.

"So you're telling me that you allowed her to go out with a guy that she doesn't even know talk less of even seeing him before!" Dad scolded. "How old is he?"

"Twenty." She answered him with fear.

He sighed. "When she comes back both of you are in so much trouble." He said and left the dining.

It has been a month since we saw Maryam. And she's missing.

We told the police but up till now she's nowhere to be found.

We were all in the living room in silence just looking Into space.

The doorbell rang and Amir did the honour of going to open the door.

When he opened it he stood there.

We all stood up and went to the door and all our eyes widened.

Maryam was on our door step wrapped in bubble wrap.

She had blood over her, bruises and she looked like she's been beaten up.

We saw two notes and we picked it up and read it. One with Maryams handwriting and another different one.

'From Maryam.
Maimuna you were right, that man is very dangerous. He raped me and I found out he had a wife. He beat me up and abused me after these days.
Please if you find this letter I need your help. Please. Am so sorry for all the troubles I caused.'

'From Ashad.
Your daughter is dead and I brought her back to you. She's been so stubborn and she tried to kill me and I killed her instead. So she caused her death herself.'

If you're confused or you need to ask any questions you can comment down below and I give you the answer to your question.

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