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I saw his face and my heart started to beat very fast.

Am sure I skipped a heart beat.

His eyes turns to a shade of dark and he smiles at me. Am evil smile.

"Nice to see you again princess." He says.

I turn around to run but he grabbed me by my waist.

"No. No. Let me go!" I yelled as he dragged me towards his car.

My crutches fell on the floor which mean it's very hard to escape.

"When we get back home you're gonna get a very good punishment." He threatened and laughed.

"Help me! Help me!" I yelled louder.

We reach the car. I can't go back to that hell.

I realise I have legs for a reason.

I use my good left leg to kick him in the groin.

I push him into the car and carry my crutches and run away.

I saw him following me behind my back.

He grabbed my neck and I use my sharp teeth to bite his hand.

But that didn't make him to back down.

I ran to the road to go to the other side but unfortunately I didn't reach.

I felt a hard thing hit me by my side and I fall to the ground and hit my head.

I've been hit by a car. I tried to leave my eyes open but it closed shut.and everything went black.

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