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Since last week I told Ashad am pregnant he hasn't laid a finger on me.

He took me too a lot of places to eat dinner. He gave me anything I wanted and when u asked him for freedom he said 'that I can't do'

Now here I am watching TV in the TV room.

Ashad had gone for a business trip which I assume it's drugs.

The movie finished and I was hungry. I got up from the chair ready to walk upstairs then I bumped into something.

A Box. I carried it and opened it. I saw pictures of Ashad and Fadeela which am sure it was a long time ago.

Here's one that they got married, another one from their honeymoon.

Then I carried the last picture and saw red liquid on it. I put it close to my nose and sniffed it.

I immediately drop all the pictures into the box and went upstairs.

Then the door opened and Ashad came in. "Darling am home." He said but I just did as if I didn't hear.

I sat down the the dining chair and start eating.

Before Ashad could speak the doorbell rang. And the person started banging the door impatiently.

Safiya went to open the door and the man that entered quickly gives Ashad a punch.

"Where the hell is my sister!" He yelled.

I stood up from my seat and went to the living room. I saw Amir standing there and I quickly went to hug him.

"Didn't I tell you I don't want you anywhere near my sister again!" He yelled. "Go and get your clothes let go."

I went toward the stairs but Ashad gripped my arm. "She's not going anywhere." Ashad said.

"Let her go! I can't risk her stay get with a Murderer like you! Out of all girls to kidnap why do you have to kidnap my own sister!" Amir yelled.

"Because I love her and she's carrying my own child." Ashad said and Amirs expression changed. Shock was just over his face.

"You're carrying this psychotics child!" Amir said. "This man is a criminal for goodness sake."

"Oh yeah. You're calling me a criminal. But you didn't tell your precious sister you were involved in her mother and sisters death!" Ashad said and I turn to look at Amir.

*dramatic sound* shout out to __Nalee . Is Amir really involved in Maryam and Fatimas death?

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