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I didn't even care to knock. I just bursts the door of our house open.

I know I looked terrible and messy which made people outside to give me a few stares.

Dad and Maimuna were seated in the living room.

"Why did you come back here?! I thought I told you to leave my house?" Dad said but I don't even care.

"Tell me the truth." I said and ran my hands through my veil.

"So you just came back to my house to blab nonsense." He said.

"I said tell me the truth. Am I your real daughter?" I asked.

"And who gave you that idea?" He asked.

"That doesn't matter. Just answer me. Are you my biological father?"

Him and Maimuna looked at each other shocked.

"How did you find that out?" Maimuna asked.

"Tell me! Am I your real daughter or not!!" I semi yelled.

He just looked at me for a few sencond.

"No. You're not my daughter." He said and a tear fell from my eyes.

That explains everything now.

"Is that the reason why you never paid attention my me when I was younger?" I asked.

"Yes. I never like you or even wanted you in this house. I told your mother to send you to an orphanage home but she refused. Because of you, our marriage was ruined, because of you...she died, it's your fault she didn't treat Maimuna and Amir like how she did. All the problem that happened in this house was all your fault!" He said.

I looked at him in disbelief. "It wasn't my fault that mom died."

"It was your fault! We were really happy with only Maimuna and Amir but you just had to come!" He said.

"It don't get how this is all my fault! It's not my fault mom had an affair with Muniras dad. And it's not my fault she was pregnant with me!" I scolded him.

He remained silent. "So you've got nothing to say. You'll just stay there silent." I said.

"Am sorry." He said.

I scoffed. "That doesn't look real. A real father never does something so cruel to his daughter. Even if you may not be my biological father, no one can replace you to be my dad. But all what you did too me for the past14 years of my life can't be easily forgiven. You hurt me, you pushed me away anytime I come to hug you when your back from work. You always pamper Amir and Maimuna and call them your prince and Princess while you just leave me standing hopeless and I'm worth nothing." I said and my breathing becomes heavier which means my panic attack is coming.

"Hauwa you need to relax or you'll get a panic attack." She came and came near me.

"It's okay." I said.

I turn around and walk out of the house.

I walk to a place I don't even know. I check a windows of a store nearby and saw how red my eyes looked.

I sighed and I kept walking until I bumped into a hard chest.

I look up and saw Ashad in front of me.

I start to panic.

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