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I know the last chapter wasn't good at all but this one will be better.

I felt the sunlight all over my face and I open my eyes slowly.

I sit up and saw my hands tied together with a rope and am also inside a human cage or whatever people call it because this is my first prison.

I look around and the bloody woman was sitting close to me inside the cage awake.

"I'm glad you're awake." I followed the voice and Ashad was seated on the same royal blue chair. "Sorry to keep you here but the caused it upon yourself. I tested you and you fell for my trap." He said while smirking.

"Let me-" I was cut off when I noticed a chain on my leg which means I can't stand up and my crutches isn't here.

"Now am gonna keep you here like how I did to her. I'm going to work and I'll check up on you guys later. Enjoy your Hotel." He says and climbs up the staircase of the basement.

He closes the door behind him and I heard clicking sound which means he locked the door.

I turn to look at the woman who's already looking at me.

It was silent for a while until I decided to break the silence.

"What's your name?" I asked because that's the only thing I could think of.

"Fadeela. You?" She said.

"Hauwa." I replied.

"So how long have you been here?" She asked.

"5 months. You?" I said.

"I've been married to Ashad for six years and I've been locked in this basement for seven months." She informed me.

"Why did he lock you here." I asked.

"Because I ran away and he found me. He caught me in the police station when I was about to report him for drug abuse. When he brought me back here he beat me up very badly with two belts." She said and I looked at her with wide eyes. "Has he ever beaten you up?"

"No. I only get slapped in the face, I got locked in the attic, he got me paralysed and he said he's gonna leave me like this."

"Am sure he's still dealing with drugs now." She said.

"What do you mean? is he a doctor or something?" I asked confused.

"You think. He's not even close to being a doctor, he's the most wanted criminal in Dubai so this is just his hiding place so he can continue his criminal activities." She said which catches me by surprise.

"Ashad deals with drugs!" I whisper yelled.

"Yeah. I didn't know he deals with drugs until a year after we got married. He promised he'll stop but he didn't. In two months time I caught him in our room taking cocain. He always me that he's going to work and that's a lie because he's always traffic drugs from one place to another. And he's excuse is that he's going for a business trip. That's why he always puts too much perfume so he won't smell like alcohol, drugs and any other illegal things." She said. "And you need to be very careful and just do what he says or you'll end up like me and all of his other girlfriends."

"What happened to his other girlfriends?"

"He killed them. The one I pitied the most was Maryam. He made sure he beat her to death." She said.

All of the sudden I remembered my late older sister Maryam. She was meeting with some guy and we didn't know who it was. Until we found her lying in our doorstep bloody and beaten up with bruises over her. I hope Ashad had nothing to do with this.

"Do you remember her last name?" I asked her. My eyes started to feel watery.

"Yeah. Her name was Maryam Gali." She said and I don't know when the tears left my eyes.

Ashad killed my sister. HE FUCKING KILLED SISTER!

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