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Get ready for a good chapter and please don't kill me after reading this.
Hauwa's picture up there↑↑↑

Today's a public holiday so no school today.

And Ashad went for a business trip and will not be back for like three days.

And he finally let let me watch television.

I set the pop corn down beside me and start scrolling through Ashads Netflix.

They are plenty great movies and I don't even know which one to choose.

Then the doorbell rang. Ugh! It's when I feel so comfortable that someone has to knock.

I went to the door and open it. Then my eyes open wide.

"Muhammad?" I asked confused and arch an eyebrow.

How did he know I live here.

He ignores me and entered the house. "Can you explain to me what all this is?"

He brought out my green diary and handed it to me. The padlock wasn't there which means he read my diary.


"I can't believe all this while I've been asked you 'what's going on?' You say nothing and you've been suffering since you were 13 years old. You should be told me this man have been abusing you and treating you very bad. I would've helped you ge-" I cut him off.

"Can't you see! This man has threatened me to stay away from you or any other boys! He threatened to kill you if he sees us together. I'm trying to keep you safe!" I yelled.

He came closer and we were like 4 inches apart.

"Run away with me. I can help you and keep you safe away from that sociopath." Muhammad said.

"I don't want you to put you life in danger. This man is capable of anything." I said.

"so you're okay with staying here with that man?"


"What is the meaning of this shit!" We heard a voice and both turn to look at Ashad pointing a gun at us.


"Don't you dare say a word! WHAT IS HE  DOING HERE?!" Ashad yelled still pointing the gun at us.

"What am I doing here? I should be asking you, what is she doing here? You kept a 15 year old girl in here and abused her nonstop! You locked her up in the attic for six straight days in there. You kill-" Ashad cut him off.

"You better shut your mouth kid or you'll regret it." Ashad said and clenched his jaw very hard. Which means he's really provoked.

"And if I don't, what are you gonna do about it! Keep me here and abuse me like what you're doing to her!" Muhammad kept going on and on.

"Muhammad stop!" I yelled at him but he kept on going.

"He's just a lowlife bastard!" Muhammad yelled.

I saw Ashads eyes turn dark, but this is not the type of dark when he's angry like before.

He angrier and provoked.

He starts screaming and breaking glass.

"ASHAD STOP!" I yelled which am sure made it worse.

He starts banging his fists on the table and finally stops when he sees the gun.

He carried it and pointed it at Muhammad.

"Muhammad run!" I yelled but he doesn't move.

"Why should I. Am not afraid of him." Muhammad said confidentially.

God!! I've never seen a big fat idiot like this guy.

Ashad pulled the trigger and I quickly go in front of Muhammad.

I then felt a hard thing on my lower back. He just shot me.

"No!" I heard Ashads voice yell.

"Look at what you've done!" That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

~Comments from others~

fatimasaadabubakar- why the hell did he shoot her, he's a bastard.

Nalee_- a bastard is no word to say about him, he's a d""khead wallahi, I so wanna kill him.

Angel- who doesn't for goodness sake.

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