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I updated chapter 10-15 make sure you read them in order.

I woke up from sleep on my bed and checked the time. 10:53am.

"Thank God it was all a dream." I said to myself.

WAIT! Let's take that again. It's not a dream!

I look around and I was on top of a queen sized bed. I stood up and saw myself in a yellow night gown and black leggings.

I tried opening the door and it was locked!

I banged the modern white door with my fists and yelled, "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR! OPEN IT!" I kept banging the door and then I stopped when I heard clicking noise then I stepped back.

The door opened revealing that white Arabian man.

"You're awake already. I didn't expect you to wake up so soon." He said with a smile.

"Why are you keeping me here? Let me outta here!" I yelled and tried to pass but he blocked my way. "I said LET ME GO NOW!"

"That's no way to talk to your husband honey." He said calmly.

"Husband?! Honey?! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!" I yelled even louder.

"We got married like for about a week ago and you didn't even know about it." He said.

"THAT'S A DAMN LIE!" I semi yelled.

"Is that so." He reached the pocked of his black robe and brought out a paper that seems like a certificate.

I jacked the paper away from his hand and looked at it. It says 'Hauwa Gali & Ashad Maleek.' Are legally married.

That's when I got angry and tore the certificate into pieces and shoved it was on his face.

His smile then dropped from happy to anger. His eyes then turned from light brown to a shade of black and he looked like he was about to kill me.


I was going to make a run for it but then he pulled me by the hair and dragged me towards the edge of the bed.

He then turned me to face him and then I suddenly felt and hard thing on my cheek.

He just slapped me with the back on his right hand and I ended up falling on the bed.

"You better mind and compose yourself you brat or else I'll teach you a lesson that this beautiful face if yours will no longer be beautiful. Instead it would be filled with black scars that you'll not like at all." He threatened. "Now I want to see you downstairs at the dining room in 20 minutes." He said again and left the room.

Tears then started dropping from my eyes slowly. Why did my dad and Maimuna do this to me?


I came down the staircase wearing a blue lace gown that reached my ankle and the sleeves reached my wrist.

And then I tied a black veil. His house is really big and huge.

I couldn't find the dining until the maid Khairat who dressed me up and did my hair showed me to the dining room.

I walked into the dining and the man who I assume Is called Ashad was sitting at the end of the long dining table.

Handsome but evil.

"Stop staring and sit down." He said not even looking at me but looking at his phone.


I sat down at the far end across from that maniac we call human being.

"Why are you sitting there? I said sit down next to me." He said while patting the chair next to him.

I still sat down there with my arms and legs crossed looking at the glass slide door which shows a great view of the pool.

"Didn't you hear me?" He said and from the corners of my eyes I could see him looking at me.

"What if I don't want to sit down there?" I said to him with confidence even though on the inside I feel like begging for help.

But I put on my bad*** face on.

He then stood of from his seat angrily. "You better come and sit down here or else-"

"Or else what?!" I quickly interrupted him while standing up from my seat but immediately regretted it.

He chuckled and came towards me slowly. "You should know I have a very dark attic that contains a naked whip and if it lands on you once you'll beg for me to kill you." He threatened and went back to his chair. "Now be a good girl and sit down here."

If I die, I hate this place more than I hated my life.

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