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I know this mansion more than anything. Ashads mansion.

I kept looking at the mansion, I kept remembering all the hurtful things Ashad has done to me. Locked me in the attic, slapped me a dozen times, torturing me and locking me in the basement.

Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder that caused me to flinch.

I turn to look at Jamals mom and she looked a little bit worried.

"Are you alright honey? It's anything wrong." She asked.

"Yeah. Can I stay outside?" I asked.

"Don't me shy sweetie. Jamal will be with you all the time." She said.

Before I could protest, she dragged me into the house. We went to the huge garden at the back.

Balloons were everyone, three cakes were there and one is the one that me and Jamal made. The lamppost was on and the pool was also shinning in a very beautiful way.

Looks like the celebrant is turning 24 today. I was still smiling looking around until my eyes landed on my worst nightmare. Ashad.

He came towards us with a lie on his face until his eyes landed on mine. We stared at each other for what seems like forever, I'm sure he thought that car that hit me the other day killed me or the he's surprised to see me walking.

I don't know when I put my hand inside Jamals hand and intertwined it. It was a little silent until Jamal broke it.

"Happy birthday uncle." He said and went to hug him.

Uncle? It's a shame we're in the same month. October supposed to be for special people. Good people.

I can't belive I even suffered to make a cake for this worthless bastard.

"I hope you choke on the cake." I said and realised I said it out loud.

"What's that?" Jamals mom asked.

"Oh...um...Nothing." I said. I hope she didn't hear me.

"Is she my present?" Ashad asked.

"No. She's not." Jamals mom said and gave me a dirty look.

"Well aren't you gonna introduce me to this beautiful girl?" Ashad said like he doesn't even know me.

"Oh. This is Hauwa Gali. And Hauwa this is Jamals uncle Ashad Maleek who is also my brother." She said and brought me closer to hug him.

We hugged and I could smell that same scenting Arabian perfume.

"You won't say happy birthday to me my lovely wife?" He said and I pulled away quickly.

"So Jamal, is she your girlfriend or you're just friends?" Ashad asked.

I could see Jamals parents start to become distant from us, leaving only three of us alone.

"Yeah she is." Jamal said. This is the only time I appreciate him saying that.

I turn my head to look at Ashad and he was no longer smiling. He looked a little heart broken but I don't believe it. His eyes turned to a shade of black. He just turned around and left us standing there.

"Jamal." I called to him. He bent down to my short height.


"I need to use the bathroom am pressed." I said.

"Okay let's go." He said.

We.reached the guest toilet. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

He's so stupid to say he wants to enter the bathroom with me.

"Mom said u should be with you at all times." He said like he's making sense here.

"Wait for me here." I said and quickly entered the bathroom before he could talk. I did my business and came out. I didn't see Jamal anywhere. We're did this Jamal go to now. Now I don't even think an safe.

I look around and saw him chatting with a maid at the end of the hall. I just sighed.

I start walking towards him  until a door opened and a hand dragged me inside.

"You! Why did you bring me here! Let me go now!" I yelled and start to panic.

So who do you think it is? Anyways do you like Jamal or not?

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