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I'm putting back the whole story up.
Check out my other books,
His Wife and Fatal Deception.

I woke up from the floor because someone pushed me off the bed. I look up to see Maimuna standing at the edge of my bed smirking.

"Glad you're awake." She said and threw me an apron. "We're all hungry so go and make breakfast."

With that she left my room. Wtf!

I don't even know how to cook food. Well, there goes my saturday. I stood up from the floor and my hair was in a mess.

I packed it in a ponytail and headed downstairs. I put the apron and look around the house.

"Since your brain is dumb the kitchen is over there. Not up the ceiling." She said looking through her magazine.

I walked not the kitchen opening the freezer deciding to cook up some eggs. I crack four eyes into a bowl having no idea what I'm doing.

My phone buzzed and I took my phone from the counter.

"You're supposed to be cooking not chatting." Maimuna said and I drop my phone.

I saw a message from Munira that said "don't forget about our project." It read and I pick up the kerosine from the garage and kept it next to the fridge so I won't forget.

My phone buzzed again and I pick it up. I sat on the counter and open the message.

Mhd: thinking of me?

I roll my eyes about to reply. I sniffed the air as I smelt smoke.

I turn around to see the gas on fire. I left the gas on and the kerosine was next to it.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and picked up a cold water pouring it on the fire which only made it worse.

I quickly run into the living room running into Maimuna.

"What happened? Why are you running like a chicken?" She said.

"There's fire in the kitchen."

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