His Wives ~ Sneak peak

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Dedicated to __Nalee

Aleeyahs POV

I woke up to find nobody in the house.

I even went downstairs to check the fridge but there was no note, they usually left a note in the house when I'm asleep.

I checked my watch and it was already after four, I checked the window and saw a familiar black jeep pass through the gate.

I tap my foot countless times and crossed my arms waiting at the door.

I stood there for about five minutes staring at the door in silence only hearing the sound of my foot tapping the ground.

As I was about to give up, thankfully, the door opened revealing Ya Saleem.

"You guys left me all alone in the house without any messages or call do you know how I was worried sick-" as soon as I stand blabbering he cut me off.

"Relax." He said and rolled his eyes at me. "Aunt Inbihaj got sick yesterday and we had to go check up on her in the hospital." He said and a very loud gasp escaped my lips.

"What!?" I yelled. "And you guys didn't bother to wake me up?"

"We tried and you know you're a sleepaholic so..." he trailed off.

"I need to go to the hospital now." I said.

"Sorry but Mommy said you have to stay here and keep the house tidy and also, visiting hours are closed."

"But I want to see Aunty!" I whined stomping my feet.

"You're such a baby." He said and I hissed very loud. "Did you just hiss at me?"

"Yes and so."

"Stupid girl you don't have respect." He said and pulled my nose and I stomped to the living room.

Then my phone pinged and as smiled as I saw who the message came from.

Amir (Her boyfriend).

'Hey boo I miss you. <3 how about a date tonight, I want to see those pretty eyes of yours.'

I smile and start to text back. "Who is that and why are you smiling?" Ya Saleem asked as he tried to giraffe neck and spy on my phone.

I love Ya Saleem and all but I hate it when he's that protective big brother.

"I said who is it?" He asked in a serious tone.

"it's no one." I lied, I put my phone behind my back but he managed to grab it.

"Open your pass code." He instructed and I just sat there looking at it. "I'll break this phone Wallahi"

I opened it and gave it to him. He looked at the message for a second then back at me.

"So when did you start dating? I demand you break up with thus guy now and I'm seizing this phone." He said.

"Ya Saleem I'm 19 years old so I can date whoever I want." I said.

"You're still too young. I don't want you to communicate with him anymore. You'll get back you're phone in two weeks." He said and I gasped.

"I never get freedom."

"Leeyah it's not like th-"

"Forget it. That's how my life is. I'm use to it." I said ran upstairs and quickly shut the door with a loud bang.


Aleeyah tied her veil in Himar, she sprayed perfume all over her body as he smiled at the mirror.

Even if Ya Saleem stopped her and seized her phone. This is what happens when you never give your child freedom.

She only knows Amir for a month which means she doesn't know who he really is that she's about to meet him by this time of the night.

She took her purse and sneaked out of the house to meet Amir. Meanwhile, Ya Saleem came into her room to apologise for snapping like that.

He knocked on the door and there was no answer. He knocked again and waited for a minute but no answer.

He opened the door to peep but there was nobody in the room and he knew very well she sneaked put of the house to see Amir.

But he better gets there fast before something bad happens...

~Chapter two~

It was 2:00 in the morning and the door was banging nonstop and only Addah Hayrah (Aleeyahs older siter) was in the house.

She stomped to the door angrily ready to blow at whoever was at the door.

She opened the door and Leeyah fell on her with tears in her eyes.

"Ya Rabb Leeyah what happened to you?" She asked looking at her torn lace.

"A-Am-Amir he...h-he..." she stammered.

"Amir did what! Talk!" She panicked and put her to sit on the sofa.

"Addah Hayrah he raped me." She said.

"Innallilahi." She said. "You mean Amir did this to you?"

"Yes Addah."

"Let me call Mommy now." Addah Hayrah said about to dial Mommys number but she quickly stopped her.

"Please don't." She begged.

"And why not?" Addah asked.

"I don't want to worry her."

"And what do you mean by that. Mommy hates it when we keep things from her and I must tell her whether you like it or not." She hissed and dialed Mommys number.

By hearing this Mommy gave Leeyah a hard slap on the face, she wanted to use her shoe and hit her but Hayrah stopped her.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful! I had a bad feeling about him and you told me to stop worrying but look at what happened now! He raped you!" Mommy scolded. "Wallahi billahillazi I won't take this nonsense, I'm getting you married to Aunt Inbihajs step son and I don't care whether you like it or not! And tomorrow we're going to the hospital to check whether that bastard got you pregnant or not!" She yelled and walked upstairs at that same time Saleem just came in to start his own.

"Leeyah didn't I..." she didn't have time for his own too so she stood up and left the living room and the last sound that heard was when she banged the door shut.

"What happened to her?" Saleem asked.

"Long story short." Hayrah said and left a confused Saleem in the living room alone.

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