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One again I got raped and the worst was I got beaten up by Ashad yesterday.

When he raped me I felt so disgusted. It was worse than the last and also more complicated.

I couldn't even touch the food that was in front of me. When I close my eyes I can see all the image of when he raped me and forced me, the bruises has gotten worse.

When I tried pushing him away he slapped me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the maid Layla spoke.

"Mrs. Ashad said he wants to see you right now." She said.

I stood up and walked upstairs to the room.

I opened the door to see him sitter on the bed with his legs folded.

He patted the place beside him and I just did as he said and sat down there.

"Are you alright? Is anything wrong. Did anyone hurt you?" He said and I gave him the 'are you okay?'  Look.

He's so shameless. "Yes. Someone did." I said and crossed my arms.

He brought his hand to touch me but I shifted. "Why are you scared of me? I'm not gonna do anything bad?" He said.

He brought his hand to my waist and brought me close and it made me a bit angry.

"Don't you touched me!" I yelled and pushed him. "Why did you do this to me! You've ruined my life! You've ruined me! You've touched me and it hurts so much!" I rolled up my sleeves. "Look at my body! Look at my arms! You have broken me! I can't even look at anyone! I can't even let anyone touch me!"

The tears were just falling from my eyes. It was just so useless because he just looked.at me with a black face.

I start to feel dizzy and I fall on the ground. I heard him call my name and then black.

I woke up on the same bed that everything happened.

I checked the time and it was 6:00pm already.

I stood up and went downstairs. I met Ashad in the dinning.

"Oh you're awake." He said and patted the seat close to him. I sat down.

"It doesn't make things any better." I said and start to eat the food in front of me.

I hadn't eaten all day and I was really hungry.

"Why do you look so pale?" He said.

"Because I got raped." I said.

"It's not a big deal. That's just showing you what I can do. This is just the beginning. You're showing me you are strong, badass, you think you can just do whatever you want? Well let me tell you something Hauwa Gali. I'm crazier than you. And I do anything in my power to get whatever I want." He said.

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