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"Goodbye Hauwa. Now  my children are gonna be motherless and I'm gonna be a widow. All I wanted was for you to be the mother of my children and we'll be a happy family." He said and I couldn't believe there was tears in his eyes. "I can't let them have a hypocritical mother like you. But before I kill you, let me tell you the truth. Your brother Amir is the one that killed your mother, you should be angry at him. He-"

"LIAR!" I yelled. "You just want to break the good relationship between me and my brother."

"Am telling you the truth. He tried to kill you. He faked the accident so he won't get caught."

"Listen Asad, If you want to kill me then just do it and get over with it." I said.

"I don't want to kill you because you're the only woman I've ever loved." He said.

"You call this love?" I laughed. "You're sick in the head. Someone like you can never love."

He dragged me back up to face him. He used the gun to hit my nose making it to bleed. Then he points the gun back at me.

"Now I'm really gonna kill you!" He yelled and was about to pull the trigger and I close my two eyes shut. This is the end, I'm going to die.

Then the door bursts open and I look up to see the police and they surrounded Asad.

"Freeze!" One of the cop said. He brought out handcuffs and cuffed Asad. "Asad Maleek. You're under arrest for Murder, rape, women abuse and drug trafficking. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." He said.

Asad just smiles while looking at me. Then he whispered in my ear. "I know you were part of this but let me tell you one last thing, I have people everywhere and when I get out, you're gonna pay for this a day you'll wish you were never born." He said and kissed my forehead. "See you soon sweetie."

I watched as they took him and left.

Sorry you guys didn't see 48 but here it is. My wattpad was misbehaving so I got angry and threw my phone on my bed.

But I managed to rewrite it again but you should be lucky because that other one was total not nonsense.

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