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Ashad killed Hauwa's sister Maryam. But who do you think is at fault.
(A.) Maryam: for going out with a stranger that she doesn't even know.

(B.) Ashad: for raping her and beating her to death.

(C.) Maimuna: for not protecting her twin sister.

FollowForFollow* I love to hear from you guys.

Two weeks of staying inside this basement with Fadeela.

I never knew he's so cruel.

"The worst of all was when I was pregnant." She said.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"That was the second year when we got married and he stopped abusing me. I was really happy when I found out I was pregnant with twin....." she trailed off and a tear fell from her left eye.

"Did you tell Ashad?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I came back home really happy. I went upstairs to our bedroom jumping with joy. And he asked me 'what happened? Why are you so happy?' And I said guess what. You're going to be a father. Am pregnant with twins. Then his smile faded and I could see his shinning light brown eyes become darker and I got scared. I started to move backwards and he came forward. He slapped me and asked me 'why did I let this happen' he never wanted to start a family with me. He told me to even abort the child and I said 'no I won't, it's either he takes the child or I leave the house.' And then he said that if am not going to abort the babies than he's gonna kill them by his self. That night was the worst thing that ever happened to me. He kicked me in the stomach till blood came out and he took me to the hospital and the doctor said I lost the baby." She said.

I feel so bad for her.

"Am so sorry." I said to her while tears came out.

"No need to be sorry. It wasn't your fault. It has happened already. Six years passed and I said I want a divorce. He didn't agree and I kept staying in this basement. He got a little bit lonely and said he's gonna get a new wife. But he still didn't divorce me. Then he started kidnapping girls and keeping them here. He fooled them with his charming self but only of they new who he really is." She said as if thinking of what happened in the past.

"How any girls did he kidnap?" I ask.

"A lot. The first was Afeesah. She was the only girl that could escape without being caught. When he locked her in here with me, we both escaped. He was able to track me down bit she was so lucky that he couldn't find her. Then there was Maryam."

Saying her name made me think of everything he did to her. One day if I get out of here he's going to pay.

"The third girl was Aisha. He made sure he cased her around this house and accidentally killed her. He buried her at the backyard." She said.

The door opened and Safiya came in. But she wasn't holding any food or water.

She looked like she was hiding something in her maids uniform.

She brought something out from her pocket and it seemed like a key.

She used it and unlocked the cage.

"Ashad said you should free me?" I asked her.

"No. Am here to help you two escape." She said.

"Are you sure he didn't see you coming down here?" Fadeela asked her to make sure it's safe.

"No." She said quickly and unlocked the chain on our legs. She brought out a pocket knife that looks very sharp and cut the ropes on our hand.

She unlocks Fadeelas hand first then mine. I sighed in relief.

"How am I going to walk?" I asked her.

"I brought your crutches. I unlocked that window so you too can crawl out of it and then you'll follow the vent that would lead you up. When you come out you can follow that back door in the backyard and you'll see a car waiting for you out there and it'll take you to your homes." She said.

Me and Fadeela hugged her. "Thank you." We both said at the same time.

"What about you?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine. Just go and don't waste anymore time." She told us and pointed at the window.

I grabbed my crutches and we started climbing the window.

I turn to look at her and she smiled at me. She waved her hands and I waved back.

Then the door bursts open and Ashad came in.

"What's going on here?!" He yelled.

Me and Fadeela climbed quickly and then I felt a hand on my leg.

Ashad Is going to pull me down.

Ya Allah please help me.

Heyyyy! Don't kill me if they don't escape.

Are they going to escape or not? Well keep voting and commenting and I upload the next chapter soon.

Bye. <3♥♥♥

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