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I didn't update yesterday like I should because it disappeared so I wrote a different thing. Hope you enjoy. Anyways Jamal looks so cite up there ↑↑↑.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Ashad did to me yesterday. I couldn't even focus very well in school today.

Now he's covered my skin with bruises after raping me.

Jamal has been asking me what happened and I refused to tell him because I know for sure he's gonna confront Ashad and it'll not have a pretty ending.

Ashad can even kill him.

Now here we are sitting in the living room watching a movie only me and Jamal alone in the house.

"Earth to Hauwwee!" Jamal said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What? Why are you disturbing me?" I said a little rude.

"Can you please tell me what happened at my uncles party? Since then you've been crying." He said with concern.

"I told you nothing happened." I lied.

"Then why are they bruises in your hand?" He said looking at my rolled up sleeve and I quickly covered it.

"I told you I just slipped and fell down on the bathroom floor." I lied.

"You're a very bad liar."

"Am not!" I defended.

"Then why are your eyebrows up. And you can't tell me you slipped and fell on the bathroom floor. Those look like finger marks. Did someone hurt you?" He asked.

"No. I've told you a hundred times I slipped and fell down." I lied again.

"If you don't tell me am gonna tell my mom and dad." He said.

"Please don't." I said and collected his phone.

"Then tell me." He said and now his face was serious.

"I...I can't." I said as tears start rolling down from my eyes. He pulled me.and hugged me.

"You can tell me anything. I promise I won't tell anyone." He said as we let go.

"I...I" I stammered as my tears go worse. "I g-got raped yesterday."

Then his eyes widened. "Who did this to you?" He said with anger.

"N-no one." I stammered.

"You fucking told me someone raped toy and now you're saying no one!" He basically yelled at my face. "Who did this to you?!" He yelled and I still kept quiet looking at him. "Am gonna ask you this question and you'll answer me with a yes or no. Was it my uncle that did this to you?"

"No." I lied.

"I know my uncle has psychotic issues and he used to abuse women in the past and both of you were missing at the same time. Now tell me! Is he the one?!"

"Y-Yes he is. It's your uncle that raped me yesterday." I admitted.

The grabbed his hair and messed it up.

"This is all my fault!" He blamed himself.

"Don't blame yourself you had nothing to do with this!" I said.

"I should have stayed with you. It's my fault for leaving you!" He said. "My uncle is gonna pay for this!"

He stood up and grabbed his car keys angrily. "No Jamal please don't! He might kill you!" I begged dragging him but it was no use.

He opened the door and closed it with a loud bang.

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