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Loved that beautiful cover up there♥♥♥↑↑↑

I stood up from my bed by someone shouting my name.

"HAUWA! HAUWA!" I heard Maimuna's voice yell from downstairs. "Wallahi if you make me come upstairs!"

"Yes! Am coming!" I yelled as I stood up from my bed.

I checked the time and it was 9:34am, I dragged myself out of my bed and rubbed my eyes.

Ugh! I feel like the bed is dragging me back.

I entered the toilet and washed my face.

My hair was in a mess so I packed it up in a ponytail. I came out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to see Maimuna with her arms crossed looking at me with anger.

"What took you so long!?" She snapped. "Stop standing there like a donkey and help me out in the kitchen!"

She walked to the kitchen and I followed her behind.

"You need to help me prepare lunch because a visitor is coming by 12:00 noon and we don't have much time!" She said and started chopping.

"Okay. What should I do?" I ask.

"Get the fruits from the freezer, peel them and chop them!" She yelled.

I feel like yelling. "HEY! IS IT YOUR TIME OF THE MONTH!" To her face.


"Hurry up! Go and take your bath and wear something nice." Maimuna said to me. "Why are you still standing there you fool!"

She yelled making me to run upstairs.

I quickly took off my clothes and entered the bathroom.  I was enjoying the hot water that was coming out of the shower but I just had to come out.

I came out from the bathroom and entered my walk in closet. I picked a yellow off shoulder atampa gown. The shoulder to the waist is fitted then from the hips to my ankle of loose.

I tied my veil and looked at myself in the mirror. I knew this dress will be Goddamn perfect.

"HAUWA!" Maimuna called. "COME DOWN STAIRS!"

Before she'll start yelling in my ear again, I went downstairs.

I went to the living room and saw dad, Maimuna and a man who looks like he's in his early twenties with two other men standing behind him which I assume is his body guards.

I wouldn't lie but the man is a very good looking man, he's white and have a very black hair.

And I can see he's from dubai. ♥♥♥♥♥!!!

He looks like about 6 foot tall and then he's wearing a white polo
t-shirt and denim jeans.

"Asalamualaikum." I said and greeted the man.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." The man answered. Oh my Goddd. He even have an Arabian accent♡!

"Um... Hauwa can you get us some juice?" Said Maimuna digging be out of my thoughts.

I nodded and left for the kitchen. I carried the jug of orange juice and put it on the green tray and added four cups on it.

As I was about to go...I heard something that they were discussing about.

"Okay. So I can take her today?" The man asked.

"Yeah. I won't mind." Dad said.

"Does she know we're married?" The man asked.

"No.  But when you take her to your house she'll figure it out." Maimuna added.

"Okay." Said the man.

"Yayy! We can finally get rid of Hauwa!" Maimuna yelled and squealed like a child.

Then I dropped my tray on the ground and they all turn to look at me.

I was going to make a run for it but one of the body guard grabbed my arm.

"Take her!" Said the man.

"You can't do th-" I suddenly felt a hard thing down at my back and everything went black.

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