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7 months to my pregnancy and Ashad still hasn't done anything to me.

I was looking at the view outside from our balcony. I sighed and touched my stomach. I just hope this baby won't grow up to be like Ashad.

Of its a girl I would want her to look like me, if it's a boy he'll look like... let me not even go there.

I went to the walk in closet to change into a casual. I wore denim jeans and a white long t-shirt.

I found Ashads clothes scattered at his own side of the closet

I picked all up and threw them on the floor and started folding one by one.

I turned to keep the clothes until I saw.... "drugs?"  I said.

I thought we were clear on drugs?!

I grab the drugs and storm out of the room angrily. I was going straight to his office but I was lucky to find him at the edge of the staircase.

"What's the meaning of this?!" I yelled showing the drugs.

"Who gave you the permission to touch my clothes!?" He said and jacked the drugs from my hand.

"I asked you a question Ashad! You promised me you wouldn't do drugs anymore!" I yelled.

"And? Because you said so that doesn't mean you can tell me what to do!" He shot back.

"If you don't stop am gonna leave this house! I can't risk my child having a father who is a drug addict!" I said and turn around but he dragged my arm and dug his fingers into my skin.

"You're never leaving this house whether you like it or not! You're carrying my child and you're staying!" He said.

"I want out of this marriage! I don't want my child to be a criminal like you!" I said and he smacked me on the face making me loose my balance.

I felt myself rolling down the staircase in pain.

I landed on the floor and I could see myself bleeding.

"Oh fuck! Hauwa!" I heard Ashads voice then everything went black.

Is the baby gonna die?! Keep reading and voting. No votes. No updates.

<3♥♥♥ this story will soon come to an end. Too bad.

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