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I kept flipping through channels. I found the CW and was about to put it but the one and only jacked the remote from my hand.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Hello. I have a surprise for you." Jamal said.

"Well you didn't have to jack the remote from my hand like that." I said.

"Thanks my day was lovely now let's go." He said.

"Whareva." I said and stood up.

"Turn around." He said.


"Just do it." He said and I did as he said.

He put a blind fold and covered my eyes.

"Where are you taking me too?" I asked.

"Can you just shut up for a minute." He said and was leading me to a place.

We kept walking and walking.

"Alright. Two more steps." He said and I did as he said until I hit my foot very hard.

"You should use your sense next time." He said and I could imagine a smirk on his face.

I slapped him on his chest. He removed the blind fold.

"Tada." He said and smiled.

"How stupid are you?" I said and his smile dropped. "If you covered the surprise with a blanket then why did you have to blind fold me?"
"Oh." He said he removed the blanket and u couldn't belive what I saw.

"Are you kidding me." I said.

There were all cake ingredients on the table.

"What?" He asked.

"You brought me here to work?!" I snapped.

"Well what did you expect? A bouquet of flowers or a ticket for our honeymoon." He said.

I groaned. "Am going back to the living room." I said walking to the door of the kitchen but he beats me to it.

"You're not going anywhere." He said and locked the door. I tried to go but he didn't let me. "You're too short to tackle me."

I tired to jump but it didn't help. He carried me over his shoulders and brought me back to the counter.

"Nice ass." He said and my eyes widened.

"I can't believe you are terrible at baking?" He said. "You almost burnt the house down. Why didn't you tell me you can't bake?"

"You never asked." I said.

I accidentally turned on the mixer and almost everything splashed on us.

"Well you should me more specific." He said and eyed me.

"Am sorry. At least we're done with the cake." I said.

We made a three layer cake for his uncle.

"Yeah." He said.

Then his hand went into the bowl of the left over flower and it landed on my face.

I looked at him with anger and he bursts out laughing.

"How dare you!" I said.

I carry the whole bowl of egg and poured it on his hair and his laughter stopped.

"Are you kidding me!" He yelled. He looked like her wanted to cry.

"Aww. Your precious hair is ruined." I said.

He started coming towards me and I ran around the kitchen.

He followed me and did u mention am bad at running so it'll be easy to catch me.

I slipped on the water that was in the floor and thankfully he caught me.

I don't know what happen and me stayed like that. This reminds me of the one thing I hate the most.

ZeeWorld. Then me heard a knock on the window.

We both turn to look at his mom.

"Glad your done with the cake and romance." She said and smiled. "Now can you open this door. We're gonna be late for the party."

I stood on my feet properly and went to open the door.

"Now both of you need to go upstairs and clean up so we can go. Hauwa I bought you a dress that you can wear for the party." She said.

"You didn't have too." I said.

"Don't worry its fine." She said.

I took my bath and blow dry my hair.

I wore my undergarments and open the dress.

The dress was really pretty with a golden purse.

I'll have to thank Jamals mom a lot for this dress

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I'll have to thank Jamals mom a lot for this dress.

I wore the clothes and then the door knocked. I open the door and Jamal stood in front of me with a black tuxedo with his mouth open.

"What? Do I look bad?" I asked.

"Not even closed to bad. You look very beautiful. I think of you as ugly before." He said and my smile dropped.

"Have you seen yourself? I rather kiss a baboon 200 times than to even kiss you once." I said.

We stopped in front of a mansion that I recognise very well.

This is...

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