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Bringing back the full story up.
Check out my other books,
His Wife and Fatal Deception.


After the commotion that happened yesterday, the neighbors gathered as the fire fighters put out the fire.

Our whole kitchen was already burnt and I knew I was in trouble.

Dad seized all my belongings and stopped me from going out. I was in this house for God knows how long.

All I did was go to school and come back home and work.

My punishment even multiplied when I accidentally spilled water on Mainunas laptop and I received multiple slaps before she reported me to dad and it even resulted to him taking the rest of my electronics.

But good things was that he forgot I had an iPad so I was left with it.

I did it secretly so he wouldn't catch me and I was able to talk to Munira and Muhammad.

Especially Muhammad.

I was cleaning the floors when Maimuna came back. She matched all the floors I had just cleaned with her heels.

I took my time in cleaning it and made it sparkly and now it was dirty with all the brown heel prints all over the tiles.

"Oops." She said. "Missed a spot."

She said and laughed walking away. I didn't miss the was she was extremely happy today.

Hope it isn't something bad.

I just shrug it off and looked at the mess she created.

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