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I tried opening the door but it was locked. I start to bang and start screaming for help.

Ashad dragged my wrist and trapped me by the wall.

"Let me go right now!" I yelled at him.

"I won't until you tell me why you're dating my nephew." He said.

"And so what. You don't have anymore right to tell me who I can be with or not. I don't live here anymore so you can't tell we what to do with your fucking rules." I told him look straight into his eyes.

"But don't forget that we're still married." He said.

"And? I can still get a divorce." I said and tried to go but he pushes me back to the wall.

"You will never get a divorce from me whether you like it or not. I paid over a million just to marry a poor filthy lunatic like you." He said which made me smack him on his cheek.

He used his fingers and grabbed my elbow digging it into my skin.

"Let me Go you're hurting me." I begged.

"Then I don't give a damn whether am hurting you. Do you realise it hurts me a lot seeing you with another guy especially if it's with my nephew." He said.

"And you didn't realise how much it hurt me when you always treat me like a slave when you kept me in this trashy hell hole." I shot back.

"This trashy hell hole saved you from begging outside the street."

"I never begged outside the street. Staying with you was the worse thing that ever happened to me." I said.

"I can't believe I love you and this is how you repay me?"

"Love? You're bringing love into this. A man who abuse women and young girls can't love. A rapist can't love. A drug dealer is not even close to love. If you know you love me then why did you kill my sister?"

"Where did you get that idea from? What are you talking about?" He said like he doesn't even know.

"Don't you date act like you don't know. Or have you forgotten who Maryam Gali was?" I said and his eyes widened. "I hate you with passion Ashad I hate you since the day I saw your disgusting face!" I said and earned a smack on the face. "Hit me. Since that's the only thing you're good at."

He just kept staring at me. Then the knelt down in front of me and hugged my knees.

I could see him crying and he looked up and met my eyes. "I love you." He said and I burst out laughing.

"You? Well don't expect me to love you back because I'll never love a man like you. Now let me go!" I yelled.

He stood up. His shinning brown eyes turned darker and I got a little scared. "What ate you gonna do next. Hurt me." I said.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Please get back together with me. I'll do anything. I love you with all my heart." He said and came closer to me. I tried pushing him away bit it was useless.

We were like an inch apart. "let me go! I hate you!" I yelled and he smacked me on the face again.

I looked into his eyes and it was darker. All I could see was black.

"I don't care if you hate me!" He said.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me to the bed.

He removed the jacket of his tuxedo and threw it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he climbed the bed.

"If you move I'll hurt you." He said.

"Please no. Stop Ashad please!"

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