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"Wake up sunshine." I heard Jamals voice.

"Jamal stop." I said.

He left and I continued to enjoy my sleep. I felt a very cold thing drop on me. I stood up quickly.

"Jamal what's wrong with you! Why would you pour cold wat...." I trailed off as I realised who's in front of me.

"Welcome home darling. Happy birthday." Ashad said and sat on the bed to hug me. "Happy sweet 16!"

"Why did you bring me back here?!" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling? Aren't you happy to come back to your home and you see you handsome husband." He said smiling.

I stood up and walked to the door. "I'm not staying here." I said.

I was about to unlock the door but a hand grabbed the roots of my hair and pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going? You're not going anywhere. As long as your married to me and living under my roof, you're my property." He said.

"Then I want a divorce."

"Aww you're so cute. You'll never get a divorce." He said. "And from today you're gonna be staying in my room."

"I don't wanna stay here? Let me go!" I yelled.

"And what if I won't let you?" He said.

"I'm gonna report you to the police." I said which made him laugh.

"And you think am scared of the police. I've got people everywhere. Even if I go to jail, as I just snap my fingers am free." He said with a smirk.

"I want you to let me go. I want out of this fucked up marriage." I said with authority.

"Too bad. We'll never divorce until one of us is a widow. We're just getting started now. What you've experienced before is just little, now you're gonna see the worse I can do." He threatened.

"Oh yeah. Well let me tell you something no one have ever told you before you son of a bitch. I'm not scared of you or anyone else! Do whatever you want with me but I'll never fear you!" I said.

He just laughed at me like I was talking get nonsense. "I'll show you the worse I can do." He said and removed the belt that was on his jeans.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he folded the belt.

"You're not scared of me so I'll show you the worse I can do my queen." He said.

Then the belt landed on my legs and I screamed as he laughed.

He did it again on my arm. "PLEASE STOP! I'll do whatever you want!" I said at the verge of tears but he didn't listen and continue to beat me with the belt.

"Isn't this what you wanted?!"  He said and wiped me again.

"No! Am sorry."

"I don't care!" He said.

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