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I've uploaded chapter 21 & 22. I'm uploading chapter 23 right now.

Make sure you read them in order.

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I haven't showered in 6 days now, i pray in this disgusting place and am tired of wearing this stupid clothes.

The door opens and i see Safiya. She comes to me and unlocks the chain that's only on my left hand.

"What's happening?" I asked and stood up from the floor which is my so called bed.

"Mr Ashad told me to free you." She said and unlocked my arm.

She helps me stand up and we walk down the stair case.

"I  can finally see brightness again." I said happily and sat on my queen sized bed.

"Now take a bath and wear something nice. Mr Ashad would be expecting you in the dining table in an hour for dinner." She said and left the room.

I went to the bathroom and took a very long shower and saw the dirt that came out from my skin.

I came out of the bathroom and enter the walk in closet and look for something to wear.

I wore a black highway skirt, ugh, a blue long sleeve top with Peplon hand and I tie a black veil with blue stones.

Am tired of all this stupid highway skirts.

I come out of my room and walk down the stairs.

I walk to the dining and saw Ashad sitted at the end of the table reading a news paper with his legs crossed.

"Old hulligan." I said to myself.

"What did you say?" Ashad said still looking through his news paper.

"Nothing." I said quickly.

He dropped the newspaper and patted the seat near him and I sit down.

He starts eating but stops when he looks at me. "You won't eat anything?" He asked.

"Am not hungry." I said and crossed my arms.

"Okay." He then smiled. "How was your day?" He asked.

"Terrible." I answered rudely.

"Okay. I know what will make you feel better." He said and brought out a light pink rectangular small box from his pocket and handed it to me.

I remove the black ribbon and open the box.

I saw a silver bracelet with my name written in cursive and beautiful stones over it.

"You like it? I had it custom made for you." He said.

I smiled. "Thanks." I said and wore the bracelet.

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