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It was time for me to go home but unfortunately again, I wasn't watching where I was going.

I bumped into this guy. Then I look up to see this light skin guy dressed in all black. The best part was that he was very handsome.

I stop myself from collapsing by looking at his handsome face. That's me, bit crazy.

"You know it's a little rude to stare." The guy said digging me out of my thoughts.

"And it's very rude to be handsome you know." I told him bending down to pick up my books. Thank God my phone d don't fall.

He bent down to help me. We stood up at the same time.

I had nothing to say till he broke the silence. "I love the way you dress by the way. My name is Muhammad Ibrahim. You?" He said giving me the perfect billion dollar smile.

"Hauwa Gali." I said and it became silent for a minute. I wanted to leave but he pulled my hand gently.

I turn to face him. "Are you walking home?" He asked me.

Geez, do I look like I'm going into a helicopter?

"Yeah and so?" I say to him.

"Can I drive you home?" He asked me.

"No thank you. I like walking." This just gave me a plan.

"Okay then. Can I walk you? Or if you don't want-"

"Yes!" I yelled. "Um I mean, sure."

My plan worked. We were about to go till a familiar voice called.

We both turn around to see Munira. If he happy to see her I wanted to have some alone time with Muhammad.

Not that I did want to see her.

"Muhammad you were supposed to wait for me not leave me?" She said.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah he's my twin brother. When did you two know each other?" She asked arching a brow.

"Like minutes ago." I was going to answer but Muhammad beat me to it.

"Okay can I join you guys since you're going together.

Damn this was my one chance with him.

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