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As I walked into the school I wiped my tears that were flowing like a waterfall.

I went to my locker grabbing the book that I'll need and headed to class.

The class was so boring because I was all by myself as I watched everyone talking to their best friends.

Then a light skin girl came sitting next to me and tapped my shoulders with her index finger.

I turn to her direction, "Hi I'm Munira. What's your name?" She said smiling at me.

"Hauwa." I said shaking her hand that she stretched out for me to shake.

"How long have you been here. Never seen you around." She said and she's is so friendly.

"A month." I paused. "And you?"

"I spent my whole life in this school. Is that a bruise on your face?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it." I said to her but before she could say anything our teacher walked in.

Now the fun is gone.

Twenty minutes to class already. Ugh time is so slow today.

I was playing with my pen till I heard my name.

"Hauwa!" I heard my name looking up to Ms Amal our teacher. "Are you listening to me at all."

"Yes." I said.

"Okay. Then stand up and tell me what I just said.

I should've just said no.

I stood up from my seat and looked at the boated and the whole of my 10th grade classmates were just staring at me.

"See people even her brain is as dumb as a board." Amina said and the whole class burst into laughter.

"I know right." Amina's follower Afrah said.

The laughter got even worse till Ms Amal broke it. "Enough! Everyone quiet." She yelled. "Hauwa sit down."

I sat on the chair and buried my face in my hands so no one can see me cry.

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