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I'm uploading chapter 17, 18 & 19. Make sure you read them in order.

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I stoop up from the floor, locked the door and ran out of there with fear and speed.

I entered my room and locked the door twice. I put my hand under the flower pillow and brought out my phone.

I should have never gone up there, I need help like right now.

I look through my contacts and found Muhammads number.

I dialed his number and it was ringing. "Come on pick up. Pick up. Please." I whispered to my self.

Right now that I need him he doesn't pick up.

Then I heard someone banging the door.

"Open this door right now!" I heard Ashads voice yell. Even behind the door i know he's very angry.

He bangs the door louder. I look for Muhammads number and call again.

Please answer.

"Open this damn door right now! If I break this door down it'll get worse!" He threatened.

Muhammad then answered the phone.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Muhammad please i need your help. A ma-" before I could finish my sentence, he breaks the door down.

I screamed as he came towards me.

"Hello? Hauwa? Are you there?" Muhammad said concerned. "Hau-"

Ashad then gripped my phone and smashes it to the ground.

He then grabbed my elbows and pressed it very hand with his nails.

I could see his shinning light brown eyes turn darker. I could see all the anger in his eyes.

"Did you go upstairs to the attic or not?" He asked and squeezed my elbow tighter which makes a little blood to come out.

"Ashad you're hurting my arm." I said trying to let go.

He pressed my elbow harder. "I said, did you go there or not!?" He yelled.

"I did not." I lied.

He then let's my left hand free but his right hand is still on my right elbow. He digs into his left pocket and brought out my black ribbon.

"What is this? I found it in the attic." He said.

I'm doomed. I remained silent.

"Now explain to me why I found this in the attic?"

"Ashad I-"

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!" He yelled and slapped me.

Then I felt another slap and I ended up falling on the floor hitting my head on the side locker.

He pulled me back up from the floor and smiled.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"Baby. Am so sorry, don't ever break my rule and make me mad like that."  He said like he didn't just slap me. TWICE!

I eyed him up and down. I touched my forehead and felt blood.

"It's okay." He pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It's forgive you but don't ever do that to me again. You want the attic? I'll give you the attic."

"What?" I said confused. He than pulls my wrist very hard and pulls me toward the attic. "Ashad what are you doing?"

He just ignores my question and drags me up the stairs.

We enter the attic and he pushes me to the wall which made me hit my back very hard.

He grabs a chain and chain my left hand to the wall and locked it with a key.

But this does not look like it's the first time he has done this.

"Ashad please you can't do this to me." I begged.

"I gave you a rule and you disobeyed it." He said.

"Ashad please!" I begged even more. He just ignores me, turn of the light and locked the door shut.

I sat on the floor helpless and cried.

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