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This took me time to write. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think and vote.

Follow for follow. And share.

I felt a warm hand intertwin with mine and I open my two eyes slowly.

I saw Ashad sitter on a chair beside me with our hands intertwined.

A smile appears in his face. "You're awake." He said.my eyes open wide because of how scared I was. Then I quickly sat up. "Relax. Easy." Ashad said.

I looked around and I was on top a hospital bed. "Why am I here?" I asked and touched my forehead because it hurts a lot.

"You don't remember what happened?" He asked me.

"I do. But why am I here? I thought you were gonna leave me to die?" I said.

"Why would I do that?" He said sweetly. He can fool people with this smile but he can't fool me. "You're my wife."

"Listen Asha-" I then stopped when I couldn't move my legs and I start to panic.

"What? What's wrong?" Ashad asked concerned.

"I can't feel my legs!" I almost yelled.

"What do you mean you can't feel your legs. You must be joking."

"Am serious! I can't feel my legs!" I yelled.

"Hold on." He said and went outside. He takes about a minute and comes back with a male doctor and two female nurses behind him. "Doctor she said she can't feel her legs."

The doctor reaches his pocket and brings out a pen. He put the pen under my foot and moves it round.

"Do you feel anything?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

He stops and puts back the pen into his pocket. "Am going to run some tests. I'll be back soon."

With that they left the room. It was silent for a while, I could see Ashad staring at me from the corners of my eyes but I just avoid looking at him.

He then finally decided to speak up. "How are you feeling?" He ask, I ignore.

Out of all the questions he just had to ask this.

And expects me to say 'wow am fine, thanks for asking' like he's not the one at fault.

What a bastard.


The doctor came back inside holding a brown envelope.

"So did you find out anything?" Ashad asked him.

"Yeah. Am sorry to say but her  right leg is paralysed." He said.

I could feel a piece of my heart fall into my stomach.

"What do you mean paralysed?!" Ashad yelled. It looked fake to me.

"Actually the bullet that shot her lower back affected only her right leg. But don't worry its temporary. It's only if she gets surgery on her right leg. For now she has to remain like this. Now I have other patients to attend to, you'll stay here for some days to treat you leg and see what we can do." He said and left the room.

"Am not gonna treat your leg. You'll remain paralysed to learn your lesson." He says with a blank face.

"Are you f""king serious!" I yelled causing a sin. "After all you put me through you're gonna leave me like this?!"

"Yeah and I won't regret it. It'll stop you from casing trouble and making me mad all the time." He said.

"Wow. I knew you were heartless bit not this heartless." I said with anger. "I HATE YOU ASHAD MALEEK! I HATE YOU!" I yelled making some doctors, nurses and other people pass by giving is a weird look. Ashad gives me a sign to shut my mouth but I ignore and and keep on talking. "I HOPE YOU'LL DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU MONSTER!!! That's why you have no friends and family. You'll die alone and-"

I was cut off with a hard slap on my face. Then he grabbed my neck and chokes me very hard causing me not to breath very well.

"A-Ashad, s-stop. P-P-Please." I stuttered.

He just ignores me and chokes me harder causing me to loose more oxygen.

I tried pushing his muscular arms away but he's way to strong for me to handle.

Then the door flings open and Ashad stops choking me and I rubbed my neck.

The nurse that entered look so shocked which means she saw Ashad choking me. She was about to turn around and run away but Ashad runs up to her and drags her back into the room and shut the door and locks it twice.

He brings out a little sharp yellow knife and puts it on her neck.

"You didn't see me choking her. I was just removing an insect from her neck. If you tell anyone I'll slip your throat off and I can do it." He threatened making her body to shake in fear. "Now repeat it."

"Y-You didn't choke her. You were only removing am insect from her neck." She repeated.

"Good." Ashad said and let her go. And she runs out of the room.

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