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Maimunas picture up there↑↑↑

Shout out to Shahidarh_ and
-ilovetoread_ for being amazing writers.

The bond (hausa story) by

Janaan by Shahidarh.


Thanks to this man, I have to be walking with crutches. I left the hospital like five days ago and now am back to this hell hole.

Now Maimuna told me she's gonna think another way to get me out of here.

So now am gonna be stuck here for a while longer.

The door opens and Ashad came in.

He was dressed in a black tuxedo and his hair looked perfect.

He sat down beside me on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I Ignore his question and looked outside the windows. "I said...How are you feeling?" He asked again but I just keep ignoring. I felt his hands on my chin and he made me face him, he pressed it really hard making it to hurt me. "Didn't you hear me when I said how are you feeling?"

"Fine. I am fine." I answered rudely.

He let's my chin go aggressively and said, "good. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going out for work and won't be back till 4:00pm and stay out of trouble. Oh, I forgot you can't walk." He said and laughed.

I just glare at him and crossed my arms. I don't even get what's so funny.

This was actually the first time I've seen him laugh. He's usually frowning or angry or when he does his Psychotic smile.

"Okay. See you soon." With that he left the room. I go outside to the balcony to if he's gone.

A few minutes layer he walks outside to a red Porsche.

This man is dang rich. I watch as he went out of the house with his car.

I carry my crutches and headed downstairs. At least of am gonna live in a hell hole at least I should get one time to watch television without a psychological drama in this house.

I settle on the sofa and turn on the TV, I flip through channels and stop at the CW channel.

I heard a sound like screaming and mute the volume.

I stood up to Check around the house. Then I heard screaming again. I follow the sound and stop at the basement.

I saw another yellow tape with restricted on top of it again.

What's this man always hiding. I put my ear at the door.

"Help me!" Is what I heard and I quickly remove my head from the door.

Maybe it's my imagination.

"Help me!" I heard again.

I went closer to the door. "Hello?!" I said but no answer. I opened the door of the basement and it was completely dark. I look for a light switch and found it. I turn the light on and saw a long staircase.

I walk down the staircase and reached the end of the basement.

"Who's here?" I ask. All I could hear was a water dropping from the ceiling.

"Help me?" I heard a feminine voice and turn to look at Ashad seated on a royal blue chair.

A woman was next to him seated on the floor with her hands tied together and blood stains allover her body.

"I can see you haven't learnt your lesson even when you can't walk." Ashad said.

"But.....I saw you leave...." I said.

"Yeah. But I came back." He said. "Why won't you ever listen and just do what I say? Why did you come down here?"

"I heard a noise so I came down here." I say with dear. Imagine what this man will do to me next.

"Why are you so stubborn. Won't you get tired of being a bitch." He said with catches me by surprise.

"Excuse me?" I said without fear.

"You tell me am a bitch and you haven't seen yourself. At least am not a d"""head who goes around wasting their time kidnapping girls and kill them anyhow. Unbelievable.
Am guessing you're waiting for someone to put you in your place so you can stop being a worthless sociopath!" I yelled.

I could see his eyes become darker until he raises his hands and it lands on face.

I don't know what got into me and I raise my hand and slap him back.

He open his eyes wide in surprise.

He looks back at me and slaps me back making me fall on the ground and loosing my balance.

I hit my head very hard on the ground making me feel dizzy and I lay on the ground then every thing went black.

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