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I entered the school hallway and headed for my locker to get my English notebook.

I reached my last Cher but stopped in my tracks when I looked at it.

A picture of my mother on my locker with a mustache and beard drawn with a marker.

And a bunch of letters written by my one and only bullies Amina and her followers.

I read them one by one.

'You'll end up dead like your stupid mother,
You're a murderer,
You're a hypocrite!.'

I tried to ignore the letters because I was used to it but seeing it made my eyes to water. A tear dropped from my left eye.

I heard an evil chuckle behind me and I turned to look at Amina who's already smiling with her left hand on her waist.

"Oh Hauwa, little innocent Hauwa. Everyone can see the real you now. On the outside you behave sweet, innocent and kind and on the inside we all know you're a hypocrite." She said and I could feel the anger bubbling inside me.

"You!" I tried to tell but no matter what it came out like a whisper.

"No one can hear you so just give up, everyone hates you and even your own family do. You have no friends. No one." She said.

Then she used her two hands and pushed me to the floor and I hit my head on my locker causing me to almost pass out.

She and her followers giggle and left leaving the rest of the students staring at me whispering.

"She's a killer!" Someone yelled.

"Yes she is! She's a cold blooded murderer because she killed her mother!" Another student yelled.

I heard more whispers and bad rumors of me so I ran out of school quickly.

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