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Do you like my new cover. If it's a yes I'll leave it. If it's a no I'll change it back to the old one.

I updated chapter 10-15make sure you read them in order and tell me what you think.

Don't be a silent reader and please vote*comment*follow for follow and tell me what you think about the whole book.

I heard a sound of glass breaking and I went downstairs to check what's going on.

"Who asked YOU TO GO UP THERE?!" I heard Ashads voice yell.

I stopped at the kitchen door and peeped.

"It was a mistake sir." Khairat said while crying and hee body was shaking.

"HOW CAN YOU TELL ME THAT WAS A MISTAKE! You know you're forbidden to go to that attic!" Ashad yelled.

"But sir I-" Ashad cut her off and screamed then broke the bottle of glass on her head.

Khairat fell in the floor with blood falling down from her forehead.

I gasped a bit too loud and Ashad turned to face me.

I stood there like a statue and he walked towards me.

I expected him to slap me but he just smiled and cupped my cheeks.

"Sweetheart you're awake." He said and pinched my cheeks gently. "You did not see anything right." He said like he didn't just break a glass on someone.

"I didn't see anything." I repeated what he said.

"Good. Now go upstairs to your bedroom and sleep." He said and I followed his instructions and went upstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and sat on my bed. I need to get out of here. Fast.


I took my bath and wore a white top, purple highway skirt and tied a purple veil.

I look at the mirror. I miss wearing my old clothes. I miss all my crazy skinny jeans and off shoulde-

"HAUWA!" I was cut of by Ashads voice yelling my name.

I turn around and opened my bedroom door and made my way downstairs. I saw Ashad standing at the edge of the stairs with a black tuxedo.

"You look beautiful today." He said with his hands inside his pockets.

"Thanks," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. "So why did yo call me downstairs?"

"Oh. I wanted to tell you that I'll be going out and and I won't be back till 3:00pm." He informed me.

"Ohkay." I said and crossed my arms with a smirk. This is my perfect chance to run but first I have to check that attic.

"And don't even though no of escaping because I know that's what you're thinking." He said smartly like he was reading my mind.

"That's not what am thinking." I said.

"You're bad at lying sweetheart. Anyways, I'll be going but I have one rule," he paused, "do not go upstairs to that attic because it's restricted. And I already know that's what you're thinking."

"That's not what am thinking." I defended.

"That's what you'll say. But if I find out you went up there, you should better run if not it'll end up very BAD for you." He threatened.

"Why?" I said while crossing my arms.

"Hm." He chuckled. "Playing smart aren't you. I like that." with that he smiled and walked away.

I look outside the window until he drove out of sight.

"MAY CAR HIT YOU, YOU JACK***!" I yelled and I could see some neighbours peeping but it just ignore and left the window.

I walk upstairs to look for that attic. I walked till the end of the hall and saw and old wooden staircase that Is filled with cobwebs and a yellow tape that says restricted.

I removed the tape and took a step.

"Mrs." I heard a voice and turn to look at Safiya the maid. "You're not supposed to go up there."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Mr Ashad said it's restricted. You are making a very big mistake, the second to the last girl that was here got thrown over the balcony." She said.

"Second to the last girl? So there were other girls before me?" I asked. This man is a sociopath. "You mean that man killed that girl?"

"I already said too much." She said and grabbed my two hands gently and said, "if you want to stay alive dint let him know you came up here."

With that she left. I walk up to the long staircase until I saw a brown door that says 'Trespassing. DO NOT ENTER.'

I unlock the door knob and saw that it was locked.

I look around and it was just a blank place. I look down and saw a carpet.

I carry it up and found a key under. "This man is so stupid. Psych with no brain." I said and smiled to myself.

"I unlock the door and open it. I walk inside the dark room and look for the switch."

I turn on the lights and saw a table with large boxes covered in old rugged blankets.

I walk over to the table and open the blanket. Then my eyes open wide.

My started pounding in fear as the saw Khairat's body there, I shifted away from the table and bumped into a large box and fell on my butt.

I look into the box and saw a skeleton with dried blood all over it and a shinning expensive real gold necklace tied on the neck of the skeleton.

I looked in shock and held my chest. This is a real human being skeleton.

I heard a car pull into the driveway, I checked the window of the attic and saw Ashad's car.

He came back early.

I really need to get out of this psychos house. FAST!

That's it! I gave you an update and am sure you enjoyed it. This is the longest chapter I've ever done.

Please don't forget to...

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<3♥♥♥with love and kisses.

Word count- 1006.

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