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I know the last chapter wasn't that good. But let's find out who that woman is....

"What is she doing here?" The woman asked.

"Mom you're back from Madinah." Munira and Muhammad said at the same time and went to hug her.

"Yeah. So what is she doing here?" Their mother asked.

I greeted her. "She's my best friend Hauwa." Munira said pointing at me.

"And the other one?" She asked.

"Her aunt." Munira lied. Her mom can't know anything about this.

"Isn't she-" she was cut off when her phone started ringing.

I think I have a bad feeling about her. I know she's my best friends mom but still. She looked like she doesn't like me or something.

"Are you sure your mom will be okay with me staying here?" I asked a bit worried.

"Yeah. We'll talk to her about it and see what she'll say." Muhammad said. He came closer to me and whispered something in my ear. "Even if you look scattered. You still look beautiful." He said.

He winked at me and then he left.

"Let me take you two to the guest room. Are you okay with sharing or you want different rooms?" Munira asked the both of us.

"One room is fine." We said at the same time.

Me, Muhammad, Munira and Fadeela we're sitter in the living room watching a movie.

The doorbell rang and Munira went to open the door.

Two people I dislike entered.

Amina and Jamal. That's why they match.

"And the Hypocrite is back again." She said but I just ignore her. "Am I not talking to you?" I just kept ignoring her. "Hauwa Gali. If you know you don't fear me stand up from that chair and face me."

I just kept quiet and kept staring at the television.


Muhammad whispered in my ear. "Just keep ignoring her."

"I know." I whispered back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder which makes me fall to the ground.

I stood up and faced Amina. "What do you want?" I said rudely.

"You finally decided to talk." She said and smirked.

"Can you just let me be." I said.

"Why did you leave your husbands house. Did he beat you up?"

I was about to walk away and jeep ignoring her but she dragged me back.

"Leave me alone." I said and removed her hands away from me.

"And the quiet girl can finally talk. I thought you'll continue being a lowlife. You'll just be exactly like tour mother." She said which catches me by surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Your mom was a hypocrite. A stupid woman who is just a prostitute." I tightened my right fist and punched her in the nose.

"Never talk about my mom like that ever again!" I yelled.

I felt Muhammad's hands on my shoulder.

"Who gave you the right to punch me?!" She yelled.

I could see a red liquid drop from her nose.

"Ugh!!!" She said and carried her purse and walked out angrily.

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