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I was enjoying my sleep peacefully.

I felt something on my nose and I freaked out. I quickly punched the thing and I heard groaning.

I stood up quickly and realised I had punched Jamals nose.

He looked at me. "Why did you punch me!" He yelled.

"I felt something on my nose so I panicked." I said. "Sorry."

He looked at me for what lasted like seconds. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said and smirked. "Take your bath and come and eat breakfast." He said and left.

Well I didn't bring any clothes.

I stood up and was walking to the bathroom and there were clothes on the couch.

Sweatpants and a sweat shirt. It must be his clothes.

We were eating breakfast in silence.

Only Jamal, his mom, his dad and I were sitting at the table.

His little sister is not around.

"So...what's your name?" His mom asked.

"Hauwa Gali." I answered.

"Nice. We have the same name. You're so pretty. Are you Jamals girlfriend?" She asked.

"No." I said and smiled. She looked a little down. "But we're friends." I added.

"Ohkayy. So which curse are you gonna study." She asked.

"Business administration." I said.

"Nice. It's just like your following my footsteps." She said. "How old are you?"

"15. I'll be turning 16 in two days." I said and her eyes widened.

"Are you serious? Are you gonna celebrate it?"

"Not really." I said. With all the things going on. I don't think so.

"But why? It supposed to be your sweet 16." She said. She was about to speak again but her phone rang. "Sorry I have to go to the office right now." She said and stood up quickly with her husband following her.

Then they left. I continue eating my food.

"Why won't you celebrate you sweet 16?" Jamal said.

"With all the things going on you think it's the right time to have a party." I said.

Then his face made me look like I'm saying nonsense.

"Duhh. You've suffered a lot and you need to have a good time." He said. I was gonna speak but he beats me to it. "Whether you like it or not."

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