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I woke up from sleep see a girl sobbing close to my hospital bed with her face buried onto the sheets.

I move my left hand slowly from under her face which made her look up and my eyes open in surprise.

"Maimuna?" I said and opened my eyes to see whether it's a dream or not. But clearly it's not.

He r face was filled with tears which made her eye liners to scatter all over her face.

She the stood up and came to hug me.

"I miss you." She whispered. She let go and settled in her seat. "I heard what happened to you. Am so sorry you have to go through all this, it's all my fault we sold you to that man, am sorry I locked in the freezer room. Am sorry I blamed you for all those years when mom died and treated you badly. Am so sorry and I hope you can forgive me. Even if you don't I understand."

This made the little tears I've been trying to hold escape my eyes. I quickly wiped it away.

"I forgive you." I said which made her smile. I just realised I didn't see that smile since when Maryam died. "But you have to make it up to me by getting me out of that mans house."

"Am gonna get you out of that man's house and you're coming back home with me." She said.

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. I can't let that man jeep abusing you like that." She said putting on a serious face.

"But do you think dad will let me back into the house?" I asked worried.

"No and I don't care." She said with full authority.

"Awww." I said which made me to hug her.

I let her go. "Now am gonna look for Ashad and tell him that we're taking you back."

She stood up from her chair ready to leave. The door opens and Ashad came in.

Perfect timing. "There you are." Maimuna said pointing at him. "That's enough. I want my sister back."

"No." He just says with a blank face.

"What do you mean no? She's my sister and I have the right to take her back." Maimuna said with her arms crossed.

Maimuna is just 19 and she looks like a 30 year old talking to her younger one who's basically older than her with 5 years.

"You have no right by take her away because she's legally my wife which makes me legally her husband." He said emphasizing the LEGALLY. "And besides I paid a lot of money just to marry her."

"I can refund refund your money back." Maimuna said like there's no other choice left.

"I don't need it. I PAID she STAYS. And that's final." Ashad said.

So there's no other choice. I wish I could die so this can be all over.

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