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We were going towards my house and the past three minutes Muhammad have been making us laugh.

So then,he was going to run then mom was in front of him." Munira said which made us laugh.

"So who's your moms favorite?" I asked.

"You actually think she has a favorite? She can't even deal with one of us." Muhammad said.

"So who's older?" I ask.

"We're twins. But I'm older by four seconds." Munira says.

"It's just four seconds." Muhammad says annoyed.

"Whatever." Munira said. "So how about your mother? Does she tolerate you?" As she said that my smile faded. "What's wrong? Did I say something bad?"

"N-no." I stutter. "It's just my mother died two years again when I was 13."

"I'm so sorry. If I knew I wouldn't ha-" she starts but I cut her off.

"No it's fine. Thanks for walking me home." I say hugging both of them.

"Bye." They both said.

I watch them leave before I step into our porch, I carried my spare keys and unlock the door before walking in and the whole house was quiet.

"Hello? Anyone home?" No response until I heard footsteps and I turn around to see Maimuna coming down the stairs holding things in her hands.

"You know people are in the house right? So keep your voice down." She said while narrowing her eyes on me.

She tossed the things at me and I look at what's in my arms. An apron, rags and gloves. "Get ready to clean."

"Huh?" I said confused.

"You heard me loud and clear. You broke the last and expensive vase mom bought for her and dads last anniversary. So your punishment is to clean the whole house." She said smirking.

"Why do you hate me?" I snapped.

"You really want to know?" She snaps back. I could see the tears that escaped her eyes but she quickly wipes it.

"Yes I want to know."

"I hate you because mom died because of you! She loved us all! She brought life into this house and after everything she did for you you killed her!" She yells and without anymore words she ran upstairs slamming the door shut.

I fell on my knees and cried just thinking about her.

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