I - Birthday

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"Boss, can I come in?"

I leaned back in my chair and brought my knees up to my chest as I looked down at my paper work. I've been at the base all day and haven't even left this room. Joe and Richard have been coming into my office repeatedly throughout the day either to drop off food or to bring in some files; which I'm now drowning in.

"Yep," I said tiredly as I popped the 'p'.

Joe poked his head in and smiled once he saw me. I eyed him suspiciously as he came strutting, yes strutting, into my office and got comfortable on the leather chair in front of me.

"What's up?" I asked sounding unfazed by his unexpected strut of an arrival.

He shrugged his shoulders and rubbed Soldier's belly, "You should get home boss, it's getting pretty late," he said a worriedly.

I checked the time on my desktop and sure enough, it was 11:47 p.m. But I didn't want to get up yet, I still had a lot of work to finish off before I got home.

"It's okay Joe, I can get these papers finished first and then I'll get home," I said assuringly.

He shook his head and put his hand up for me to stop writing, "C'mon boss, you have to get some rest. You can't keep working on the gang forever," he said sadly.

He's right, ever since I killed my father a couple months ago I've been burying myself in the gang work just to get everything back under control. But the truth is, I already have. Everything's back to the way it was but business has just been expanding a smidge- a bit- okay business has been expanding A LOT.

I mean I have more businesses around the world now; legal and illegal. Profits are raising the roof or even the stars, and it's all because I'm the one who saved them all.

I shook my head, "Please Joe I can do it-"

He gave me a look that let me know that I would be scolded by him and never get any work done if I stayed. I mean, I could do work while he's scolding me but I wouldn't be able to focus, and even though I could just shoot him on the spot, I wouldn't do that to family.

I groaned and plummeted back into my chair, "Fine! But once I wake up I'm getting back here," I said matter of factly.

He chuckled and carried my bag towards the elevator while Soldier walked beside me calmly. His fur still fluffy as ever and his steel Siberian eyes still scarily blue than they can be.

Joe held the passengers door open for me while I got in and Soldier jumped into the black Range Rover. I ran my hand through his fur as Joe drove in the direction of my house and I recapped everything that had happened in these past few months.

First, I killed my father and attended my mommy and stepfather's funeral after. And then another gang attempted on stealing my shipment, which was a stupid decision I might add, and I shot the gang members down since the leader wasn't there. I've had moments where I've been merciless and moments where I've been merciful, but those are only the times when I'm with my family.

I turned to Joe who had his eyes on the road, "Joe, where's Richard?" I asked innocently.

He shrugged his shoulders and let out a sigh, "He left awhile ago, but I haven't seen him since," he answered.

I nodded my head but I had a feeling in my stomach I couldn't decipher. Worry? Excitement? Concern? All of them passed through my mind but I couldn't pin point which one was more on the spot. It was at the tip of my tongue, yet I couldn't explain it.

Joe pulled into the gate and placed the pin code in and the gates made a loud buzzing sound as we pulled into the driveway. The house looked empty since it was all dark and I only thought that the maids had already left.

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