IX - Torture

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I stepped out of my office after Kai and I had rearranged everything inside. I heard a loud bark down the hallway and saw Soldier charging after me.

"Hey boy!" I beamed once he was in my arms. He licked my face as his tail wagged behind him excitedly and I giggled at his energy, "C'mon baby, we have some people to take care of, " I said as we started walking down the hallway again.

We walked side by side each other as we entered the shed and headed towards the torture rooms where the hostages were being held. I already had several methods branded in my brain to get them to talk, and I'm sure they won't be able to hold in their little secrets any longer.

I entered the first room where it was dead silent, and saw a man with his head hung low from the hallway light. I flipped the switch and he slowly started picking his head up and blinked a couple of times to adjust to the lighting. Soldier growled at the sight of the bruised and bloodied man and I dropped the small duffel bag I had slung on my shoulder.

"Name," I demanded as I grabbed the pocket knife from behind him.

He scoffed, "What makes you think I'm going to give you my fucking name?" He hissed.

I stabbed his shoulder without a warning and he let out a low scream from the sudden movement, "I asked you what your name was and I expect you to answer it. Your on my grounds and you're going to respect me unless you want to get killed, so I'm going to ask again; what is your name?" I asked calmly.

I'm going to be honest here, I just feel bored with torturing this man. I don't feel like caring enough to torture him nicely, I don't even care if he spills blood that could fill a whole pool.

Once he calmed down from his high he spit out some blood, "Xavier Oppo," he said breathlessly.

I started walking towards my duffel bag and wiped the blood off of the knife with a black handkerchief. I pulled out the small flame thrower from my bag and started heating up the knife with my back still facing Xavier.

"Well Xavy, tell me: who instructed you to watch over Mary?" I asked sweetly.

It was silent for a few seconds and the only thing you could hear was the flame thrower and Xavier catching his breath. I cocked an eyebrow as my eyes stayed on the flame as I spoke, "Cat got your tongue?" I smirked.

It was silent for a few more seconds until I turned around with the hot knife in hand. His eyes widened at the sight of the bright red steel which only made me smile behind my mask. I'm more than positive this is going to hurt like a bitch.

I stalked closer to him as he tried backing up into his chair and attempted untying the wires that held his hands behind his back. Sweat dripped from his forehead in fear and I clicked my tongue at the sight of it, "You know Xavy, you might as well take the cat out of the bag," I smirked, "Or my furry friend here is going to have some barbecue for dinner," I said referring to Soldier.

He barked in agreement but the truth is, I would never feed Soldier human body parts. That would be scary and I don't even think I would be able to sleep in the same room as him without thinking that he would eat me next.

Oh my God do you realize how sad that would be if that actually happened? I bet he's thinking of seasonings right now.

I shook my thoughts away and instead focussed on Xavier, but not before sneaking a quick fearful glance at my guard dog.

"You won't do it, you're bluffing," he chuckled nervously.

I tilted my head to the side and cocked a curious eyebrow, "I just stabbed your shoulder with the same knife Xavy, why do you assume I won't do it again?" I asked innocently.

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