XXXXVII - Trophy

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I groaned at Joe and Richard's enthusiasm while the others joined them in their little concert. Kai laughed at how funny they looked and bent down to whisper in my ear, "Are they always like this?" He whispered through the music.

I lifted my head and gave him a dead eye bitch look, "They're worse when they're drunk," I deadpanned.

His eyes widened in a playful disbelief and I nodded my head. Jon Bon Jovi is way too damn lucky to not be able to listen to these hooligans.

We've been in the van for awhile now and these guys still won't bother to tell me where we're going. I've gone through corny jokes, cringey sex stories, and a terrible concert from all of the guys. I've basically been through hell, if you would.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned.

"Almost honey," Joe chuckled from the front as he turned down the music.

I groaned even more and tumbled onto the floor next to Soldier. I laid my upper body on his and he licked my hand softly. I gave him scratches in return until I finally felt the van come to a stop and Soldier jolted up and out of the vehicle.

Austin picked up my limp body and I groaned even more from the inconvenience. He chuckled and wrapped my legs around his torso and I latched my arms around his neck. When we started walking I saw Soldier panting happily beside me and I smiled down at him in admiration.

The cheers and loud chatters of people got closer with every step Austin took and I noticed a bunch of parked cars surrounding us. Curiosity got the best of me and I hesitantly turned around to be met with probably one of the most amazing things I have ever come across in my whole life.

A boxing arena.

"No fucking way holy shit mother of holy macaroni!" I cursed as I jumped out of Austin's arms and started sprinting towards the arena with Soldier by my side.

We raced the whole way there, and he obviously won, until I was standing in the long line of people. I danced happily in my spot with a face splitting smile and I clapped excitedly as the line started moving.

I felt a hand on my back and I turned to see Ogus smiling down at me, "Not here Rebenok, there," he said pointing to the VIP line.

I mentally facepalmed myself and nodded my head as if I knew that all along. I followed him to the doorway and the guard gave Ogus a nod of acknowledgement as we walked in. Blake smiled when he saw me and leaded us towards the other guys who were sitting in the front row. I was so excited that I actually had to pause for a second and crouch down to hug Soldier tightly.

"Oh my fuck oh my fuck oh my fuck!" I squealed as I sat down in the seat next to Kai.

My boyfriend chuckled and kissed my lips, "Don't get too excited princess," he said loud enough for me to hear through the loud people.

I nodded my head vigorously but I honestly didn't care for how much enthusiasm I had. I've never been to a boxing match before and the only time I've witnessed a fight was if I was in it. I never stayed for the fights after my wins since I was always the type to just do my part and go. Nothing would keep me at one place for too long so I always decided to leave just in case something got out of control. But this, this is something nobody knew me for.

I wasn't wearing a mask, I wasn't in the underground, I was just Diamonds. I didn't have to do anything except cheer and encourage and that was what I was excited about at this moment. Nobody knew my past or my illegal reputations here, I was just one of the people in the crowd.

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