XXXVII - Help Herself

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Her hazel eyes were so dull.

So lifeless.

As if the shine of the diamond that once glistened in those honey filled eyes of hers had evaporated from her soul, leaving nothing but brown.

Just plain brown. Everybody's least favorite color in the world. Just an empty and dull fucking brown that I hated so much whenever I looked into her eyes. It was as if the thing that kept her warm aura radiating off of her had now vanished.

And it pisses me off so fucking much.

When I held her hand, it was so cold. Her skin had gone paler and it scares me so fucking much. My fucking niece is losing herself, and nobody knows how to help her. Williams said he had never seen her like this, that he doesn't know how to help her himself. We're all worried that eventually she's not going to change, and all the light that was put into our lives will disappear with the Diamonds we know and love so dearly.

It's like she died all over again.

Richard and I have been calling the rest of the guys to keep them updated on her, and with each passing second it's like she's getting worse. We've tried acting like nothing has changed; always giving her warm smiles, always carrying her like she loves, and giving her food. But it's like nothing is working, she still doesn't have her glow, she still doesn't shine those beautiful hazel eyes. The only thing that's keeping us hopeful is her jewelry.

She still hasn't taken off that bracelet, she still hasn't taken off that ring, and she hasn't taken off those earrings.

It's like her soul has been trapped in those diamonds and we're scared that she'll never escape. She's trapped. Our Diamonds is trapped.

But she may not be as trapped as we thought.

Before she flicked her lighter, I swear I saw her glow all over again. She just stood there deep in thought, as if she were reliving something again and I saw her glow again. The warehouse we were in suddenly got warmer and I wished I had never pulled her out of her trance. Those dull brown eyes lit up like halos and they glistened so brightly that I was sure heaven was jealous. When I touched her, she was warm. So fucking warm that she would be a perfect furnace in the middle of a winter road.

And God, how I've missed her warmth.

But it left just as fast as it came and it brought back the dullness that had entered her life once we found her with Soldier near the border. Even when we gave her that bath, she was still so cold. She wouldn't talk, she wouldn't make a sound, and it broke me a little.

How much pain has Diamonds been keeping from us that she had to stop caring? But what hurts all of us the most, is that she doesn't respect us anymore. 'I'll give you my respect in return for yours,' right? So why isn't she talking? I've missed my niece's voice, I've missed her sweet laughter, I've missed her smile that brought so much light into our lives. But it can't be too late, can it?

I sank down into the sofa of the jet and watched as Diamonds walked into the bedroom with Soldier. Richard sat across from me and placed his elbows on his knees as he rubbed his face.

"She's not gone, right?" I whispered. Just saying those words made my chest constrict and my hands balled into fists. I was pissed at how we can't help her, but we can't just let her solve her problems by herself.

"I, I don't know man. Diamonds is hurt, all of us know that-"

"But she's not fully gone," I cut him off.

"What are you talking about dude?" Richard breathed out.

I let out a sigh and pulled out my phone and dialled everybody's number. I merged the calls into one and all of them answered on the third ring.

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