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I sat down in my seat after placing the bowls and plates filled with food on the table. The guys sat down eyeing me skeptically as I started filling my plate and I cocked an eyebrow, "What?" I asked.

Richard gave me a look as if to ask 'are you serious' and sighed, "You know what," he deadpanned.

I shrugged my shoulders and started eating my food as the guys started passing around the bowls and plates, "We're going to find him, tie him up, and Jake is going to burn him alive with a flamethrower - simple, no?" I asked rhetorically.

At the mention of his order, Jake's head immediately shot up and he looked at me with hopeful eyes, "Really?" He breathed out.

I chuckled, "If it ever comes to that, then sure. But first things first; what was he doing at the docks? And I want all the details," I demanded as I started eating my food.

No, that shouldn't be the question I'm asking. I should be asking how the fuck Uncle Amethyst got out of that warehouse in the first place. The whole bitch blew up! I know, because I'm the one who pulled the fucking pin! I barely made it out of there alive with my head start, shit just doesn't make sense.

Kai swallowed down his food before he spoke up, "We were on our way to school and I got a call from one of my members saying they were getting ambushed by a bunch of idiots with black spades on their leather jackets. Liam, Blake, and I sped off to the docks immediately and when we got there, bullets were already flying everywhere."

"We ran some of the Spades over and started shooting with my men. Eventually, it all got down to one spade who happened to be your uncle. We didn't believe it when we saw him but it was really him. He got away since his backup had come and shot down my members, we barely made it out of there alive," Kai explained.

"And we know you take your notes seriously during class and so we decided to call you after school," Blake chirped in.

"And we didn't want our balls getting shot off," Liam murmured.

I sat there with a blank expression for a few seconds, processing all they had said. Since I wasn't there, it was going to be hard to find a Black Spade and place a sticker on them, so I would definitely have to figure out where they're located first. And then I could find out their base, and figure out what my Uncle Amethyst was planning so I could be one step ahead.

It's ironic how I liked surprising people but I didn't like being the one surprised.

I nodded my head and continued to eat my food casually. The gears in my head continued to turn as the guys talking in front of me soon turned into muffles and I only focussed on my thoughts. Soldier was eating a steak beside me and I ran my hand through his soft fur as I sat back in my chair and thought deeply about everything going on.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind and I smirked at the outcome. It might get Kai pissed- fuck no, it'll make him furious. But it may be our best shot in getting close to a Spade and finding out where they're located. Of course I'll have to have a disguise since I'm known as Diamonds Kollster around the world, but that part would be easy. I just needed to make sure that everything would be good to go and then I'll start planning everything from there.

I sat up straighter in my seat and looked at the guys, "I have a plan!" I sang.

They all eyed me with curiosity and I smirked sinisterly. Williams groaned and dragged his hand down his face, "Oh no, she's going to do something stupid."


"This is stupid," Kai grumbled.

Silent But Sinister//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now