X - Shower

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I sat in my second floor sitting area and looked out at the view of the stars and forest below from the floor-to- ceiling window. Many thoughts and questions ran through my mind from today's earlier events, but mainly, Patrick's words.

"Some one gave it to me."

I sighed and brought my knees up to my chest while my hand ran through Soldier's fur for comfort. Those words kept replaying over and over again in my head like a broken record, and it just wouldn't stop.

I had to get to the bottom of this. I've never had so much panic in my life until now because this one person can affect the lives of everybody in my gang, and that's a lot of people.

But the only people who have been at the base are the Royals, the Decks, Williams, my commands, George, and my gang members. But they all know how rough my gang is when it comes to torturing people so they wouldn't even try snooping through my paperwork.

The anger rose through my body once again as I thought about someone betraying me, but that anger was also mixed with sadness at the thought of my respect being wasted on someone. I felt my chest hollow once again and my fists shake uncontrollably with rage and my jaw clench from letting out any scream.

I had the urge to take my anger out on somebody. And I knew exactly who to go to...

I pulled out my gang phone and dialed his number eagerly and waited until the second ring that he picked up.

"Gold!" He screamed excitedly into the phone.

"Hey Williams, you got anybody looking for a fight tonight?" I asked coolly.

I heard some shuffling around until Williams spoke again, "Yes! You wanna come down pumpkin?" He asked cheerfully.

I nodded my head but remembered he couldn't see me, "Yeah, I'll be there in thirty, love you!" I said before I hung up.

Soldier and I started walking up the stairs to get into my bedroom and proceeded to get ready. I just needed to take my anger out on something (or in this case some body) and fighting would help me with that. When I was fighting for Williams before, fighting always helped me take care of my emotions and release some tension in my body. It's why I was number one in the first place; my anger got me to the top and let me tell you, I had a lot of it.

I opened the door for Soldier to enter my white Lamborghini Centenario before sliding in myself. I sped all the way to the fight club while my knuckles turned white with anger on my steering wheel.

All of the panic that I had in me was now washed away and replaced with disappointment and acrimony and my heart was basically scratching at my chest to release all of the tension. I couldn't wait any longer to get to the fight club, so I started going 100mph down the highway.

"Someone gave it to me."

"Someone gave it to me."

"Someone gave it to me."

Five words, six syllables, seventeen letters, and a haunting meaning.

Fucking hell.

I slipped on my old mask and walked towards the building with Soldier holding my duffel bag. A man was waiting for me near the door and led me to William's office while I watched another fight taking place in the ring. Two men who looked about the same size were having a go at each other and I felt the nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks from when it was so casual for me to see fights like these - but since I haven't been here for a couple of months, it felt like it was the first time I've ever seen two people in a ring.

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