XIV - George's Penthouse

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"Wajwoseo gomawo Diamonds!" Claire yelled from behind me. (Translation: Thank you for coming!)

"God naolgeoya!" I yelled back. (Translation: I'll see you soon)

Kai opened the car door for Soldier and I and we slipped in with ease before Kai did the same. Richard started driving to a restaurant nearby and I skimmed over the file Clair had given me about our accounting business. Everything seemed perfectly fine but the only thing that was really discussed were our profits and how we could expand them, along with a few pitches of changes I said I would go over.

Doing business like this was fun. It was nice to make people happy and find out a way that could benefit everybody because then they learn to respect you even more than they do now. I have power but I have it because I make sure I respect other's opinions as long as their opinions don't offend other people. It's a simple process really - and that's why most businesses agree for me to run them because they know I can and will take care of it. I can bring the businesses to the top and I can make sure everyone is getting what they rightfully deserve.

But if you're a waitress at one of my restaurants attempting to seduce the customers then I'm not very respectful.

Being a business woman almost resembles my days of being a fighter; you have to be blunt and straightforward and you have to play fair. We're all in the long run but the only difference is which side of the law you're on. In this case, I'm on both.

Richard pulled into a parking spot on the street and Kai helped me out of the car. All three of them stepped into the restaurant while I waited for Soldier to finish his business.

I suddenly heard my everyday phone ringing in my bag and when I pulled it out, Liam was calling.

"Diamonds!" He greeted cheerfully.

I looked around me to see many people passing by and even some men staring. I sent them a scowl before walking towards the side of the restaurant and greeting Liam.

"Hey dude, what's up?" I asked casually.

"Just wanted to check up on my favorite step sister," he gushed out.

"I'm your only step sister Liam," I deadpanned.

"Which is why you're my favorite!" He said gleefully.

I giggled at his comment, "Seriously, what do you want?" I smiled.

"Well, George is here with us-"

"Hey Almonds!" I heard George yell from the background.

I chuckled, "Hi Curious."

I could already feel Liam rolling his eyes but he continued, "Anyways, we just wanted to tell you that George wants to meet up with you guys when you head back. He wants all of us to have dinner at his penthouse," he informed.

Dinner? George's penthouse? It wasn't weird or anything it's just that we hardly ever go to George's place. Usually it's either mine, Kai's, or even William's when we meet up. Some time's we go to Ogus's mansion but George's penthouse, we never go there. So if George wants us to go to his place, he must want to talk to us about something important.

Or he could possibly make you fall into a trap with different nuts and almonds...

I rolled my eyes at my ridiculous thought and spoke into the phone, "Of course, I'll let you guys know when we land."

"Thank you!" I heard George yell again.

"You're welcome Curious, love you. Bye."

I hung up the phone and started entering the restaurant with Soldier by my side. I looked around the different tables to try and find my boys before a woman came up to me, "Diamonds Kollster?" She asked.

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