XVI - Sunrise

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"Do you think it'll ever stop M&M?" I asked quietly as I buried myself deeper into the dark corner of the storage closet.

Daddy and Uncle were yelling again. Emerald and I were hiding in the closet, covering our ears to muffle the sounds of the smacking and screams of our mothers. Jewels was lucky, he had to stay at school for his boring band club, which now didn't seem so boring if I got to miss this.

Emerald wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, "I don't know DD," he admitted.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I felt a wet substance lick my ear repeatedly. When I started feeling around for the source of the sudden water park, my hand came in contact with the familiar cloud-like fur and I groaned from the wake up call.

"Soldier, what are you doing boy?" I asked hoarsely as I turned to face him.

He laid down next to me but rested his head on my face, causing a 'humph' to escape my body. I started scratching his ear as I muffled into his fur, "What's wrong boy?"

He let out a small bark and I only giggled at his stubbornness, "C'mon boy, why are you waking me up so early?"

How did I know it was still early in the morning? The sun always shines through my window and illuminates the whole interior of the mansion. So when I woke up, I could see that it was still dark outside.

It's been a week since Kyle had given me that warning, but honestly I haven't done anything to prevent myself from pushing my boys away. His words weren't going to get to me and I knew he was only trying to scare me, but I wasn't an easy person to scare. I believed he was using the strategy 'Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer' method when he first told me he hated his boss, and he tried to make it look like he was on my side.

Emerald and I have been getting closer this past week during school though. He knows I don't talk during class and had to learn the hard way not to bother me while I take notes. Though, we have been going out to lunch a lot; well of course with Liam, Blake, and Kai.

I guess they're all still skeptical of him since my father's side of the tree aren't really people you would get along with. Though, I guess they're warming up to him a bit because Kai doesn't cling onto me whenever we're around him, so that's a start. They still don't talk to him though, they said that if he doesn't know about the gang life, then he doesn't need any talking to.

I mentally rolled my eyes when they said that, but I guess I'm not really one to talk, literally. I mean I don't talk to anybody at all, so there was no point in arguing about that, especially since we were in public at the time.

But those words frequently continue to repeat themselves even in the most uncalled for moments. Like when Mr. Oliver was talking about how his favorite color was red, my mind suddenly went to apple, which automatically went to green apple, which caused my thoughts to switch off to the color green.



"Someone gave it to me..."

"Do not trust those around you that you call family..."

I let out an annoyed groan into Soldier's neck and he let out a low whine in return. I shuffled out from under him and turned so I could face my big baby of a guard dog, "Dude, want to go to the lake to clear our minds?" I offered in a monotone.

Soldier slowly got up from his position and stretched his limbs on my bed before hopping off and pulling the sheets off of my body. I groaned once more before rolling off of the bed but this time, landed on my feet. I flung my hands up and flashed a fake enthusiastic smile like those gymnasts in the Olympics. I even bowed just to add to the drama.

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