XXXIX - Creek

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"Do you think she knows?"

My eyes shot open wide as I heard whispering in my bedroom, but I closed them tightly again as the bright light of the sun stung my irises.

I don't remember much from before I fell asleep. The last thing I saw was Soldier as he scooted over to me and then darkness.

"She had the footage dumbass, she has to know."

There goes the whispering again. Who the fuck is in my goddamn bedroom?

"Don't call me a dumbass, dumbass," they whisper yelled.

Ah, now I know. Those idiots should know better than to disturb my slumber, are they trying to get themselves killed? Do they want to be buried six feet under?

I'll ask them to say hi to Jared and my mom when they die.

"Shut up, you're going to wake her."

Too late assholes.

I flung the sheets off of my body, causing the boys to jump back from the whooshing sound and aim their guns at me. I cocked an eyebrow at their weapons and they let out a sigh of relief once they saw that it was no intruder, but instead the owner of this house.

"Holy shit Dia, you scared the fuck outta me," Blake said dramatically as he placed his hand over his chest.

"How long were you awake for?" Jake asked.

I looked down at my body to see I was still in my outfit from our flight and checked the time on my nightstand. It was 9:25 in the morning, what the hell were these fuckers doing here?

I looked back up to meet their gazes and when I locked eyes with Kai, something in my chest lit up.

The memory of when I had brought him to the waterfall replayed in my mind and the silence that surrounded us was comforting. The water crashing against water rang through my ears as if I were there right now. The sun rising in the horizon, illuminating a violent fire to light up the earth and cast a bright shadow that danced on the green leaves of the trees and the ripples of the water. The warm spring air that added more gold to my skin than usual, and the sight of the scene lit up my eyes like a match in the dark.

The dark.

The dark I found comfort in when Kai admitted to the deal Uncle Amethyst had offered. The dark I ran to when I felt myself grow tired of disappointment and caring and soon replaced everything with hollowness and carelessness.


The empty feeling that replaced the position of my heart when I left the old me behind. The hollowness that I let take control of my mind and body as I flicked the lighter and burned Zeke alive. The meaningless taste that sank into the taste buds of my skin and created an everlasting virus that soared through my blood like a cancer. Except this cancer was healthy for me.

Brokenness was unhealthy, disappointment and anger and frustration was unhealthy. So why the fuck are these men in my room eyeing me as if I'm a bomb that's going to go off any second?

I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my eyebrow expectedly at them. When they didn't do anything but stare, I gave Liam an expression that said 'what?'

"You-You," he stuttered.

At this point I was getting annoyed with their lack of vocabulary and rolled my eyes as I started making my way towards my bathroom. I ignored the still gazes the men were giving me and instead locked the door and started stripping myself of my clothing and into the shower.

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