XXXVI - Baby

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A knock on the bedroom door pulled me out of my thoughts and I wrapped a towel around my naked body before I opened the door.

We've been in the air for five hours and all I've been doing is work. I even called Principal Wilson for any assignments I had but he said he's got me covered, much to my dismay. But I let him take care of it since he hung up before I could protest any longer.

But since I had just taken a nice, long, long, long shower, I had to wrap a towel around my body so I could open the door and be met with my second in command.

"Thirty minutes 'til landing honey," he smiled at me, probably happy that we're finally getting off this goddamn plane. I nodded my head in return and closed the door so I could get changed.

I zipped up my grey hoodie and tied on my silver mask before packing up all my files and heading towards the sitting area. I plumped down into the white sofa which caused Soldier to jump up immediately and search for any attacker.

I pet his head to tell him it's okay and he scooted over to me and rested his head on my lap. I continued to run my fingers through his fur as I watched a movie on my phone that was laying on his head. Sometimes, you just gotta love dogs dude.

"You hungry boss?" Richard asked as he dug into a brown paper bag.

I nodded my head in return and he handed me some french fries and a large burger. And when I mean large, I mean a double quarter pounder at McDonald's would be jealous.

My mouth watered at the unhealthy food in front of me and I slowly started chewing on the fries, trying to savor the taste. I was glad Soldier wasn't awake or else he would've been stealing my food from me- trust me, it's happened before.

Honestly, I could've cried with how good everything tasted. I haven't been eating fast food like this in awhile so you can understand why I'm sobbing tears of happiness in my head right now.

After I finished my food, which was a total bummer, the plane finally landed and we headed out to the black SUV that was parked at the foot of the metal staircase. Soldier hopped in first and I followed in suit while my commands sat in the seats that were facing us. I looked out the window as our driver started making his way to the building these drug breeders said they would meet us at. And because these are new people, I've had some of my members that do work here in Brazil, guard me.

I sipped on my Capri sun as I watched the busy buildings soon turn into oceans that stretched for miles into the horizon. Seagulls flew carelessly in the blue sky and it reminded me of the time I went skydiving for my birthday. It was a scary experience, probably one of the rare moments I thought I was going to die. But it was fun, and it made my heart beat like crazy and it was a moment of liveliness that was soon forgotten and replaced with hollowness.

I felt the car come to a slow stop and one of my members opened the door for me with an Amalite AR-4 rifle in his other hand. He greeted me with a 'hi Silver' and I gave him a curt nod in return. Some of my men were behind me as well as in front, but Soldier stood by my right side the whole time.

A man in a grey suit stood in front of the door of the warehouse with a bright smile on his face once he laid his eyes on me. He had dark brown hair as well as his eyes and stood tall, but it wasn't six feet in height. He had his arms on his side but started swishing them back and forth as he started walking towards me.

"Silver, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he beamed when he finally approached me.

I stuck my hand out for him to shake and he grabbed it gingerly, "I'll give you my respect in return for yours," I recited.

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