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Classes were unproductive.

Students were nosey.

Teachers were scared.

It was a normal day at Wilson High.

I leaned my head against Kai's shoulder as Blake, Liam, Kai, and I ate outside of In N Out with our twelve burgers and a countless amount of fries.

Why do we have so much food you may ask?

Because we haven't eaten breakfast or lunch and we're starving our fucking asses off. I was busy with phone calls from my different members before and during classes while Kai, Liam, and Blake had to leave in the middle of the day to go deal with some shipments for their gang. They invited Soldier and I to meet up after school so here we are, devouring our food like we haven't eaten in years.

"Oh my God," Blake moaned out as he chewed on his burger slowly.

Liam took a long slurp from his large chocolate shake and nodded his head, "So good," he said breathlessly.

"Shut up, I don't want to know what you guys sound like during sex," Kai scolded.

I chuckled from his complaint but stared down at my burger as if we were getting married at this moment. A saxophone playing soft, romantic music in the background as red rose pedals started falling from the sky. My vail dragged behind me as I continued to eat the burger lovingly. Everybody in the audience just clapping as we both said 'I do' and then eating more burgers and-

"Princess, you can't look at a burger more lovingly than me," I heard Kai say from beside me.

I turned my head to see the conversationalist and cocked an eyebrow in amusement. He was pouting and eyeing the burger with a playful hatred and I smoothened out the crease lines on his forehead with my thumb. I booped his nose playfully and he smiled at my cute gesture.

"Aw! You guys are just so cute!" Blake mocked a girl voice as he wiped a fake tear.

I sent him a playful glare and pretended to shoot his balls with my finger. His eyes widened fearfully and I smirked at the nervous chuckle he used to try and cover up his dread, "So what are we doing today?" Liam asked, changing the subject.

As Kai was about to answer, my gang phone started ringing and I pulled it out to see Joe's name flash across the screen. I immediately got up and Soldier and I went into the restroom, making sure nobody was in the stalls before I answered the phone.

"Yo," I greeted.

"Boss, we have a shipment here that needs your attention. North docks," he informed me.

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded my head, "Got it dude, see you there," I said before I hung up.

I walked out of the bathroom and jogged over to the table we were at and started packing my things. "Where you going step sissy?" Liam asked curiously.

I went into my notes and typed in what was going on and handed Kai the phone. Blake and Liam hovered over him and read the text and they nodded their heads in understanding. Kai got up with me and walked me and Soldier to my car, "You want me to come with?" Kai asked.

I shook my head and made sure no one was around before I spoke, "It's okay, go finish some work. I'll be calling Liam to make sure you got shit done," I said before I pecked his lips briefly and the other two kissed my temple before I got into my car and sped off.

Soldier sat casually in my seat while I went 90mph down a highway. When we got closer to our destination, I stopped briefly to zip up my grey jacket and tie on my mask before I sped off once again.

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