XVIII - Fire

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I stood in the empty parking space that once held Emerald's car and stared down at the tire marks he had left. Guilt and resentment filled my stomach with a cold feeling and washed over my body like a bucket of freezing cold water. It was as if I had realized I were a bug in a Venus flytrap, or even a an anthill that was destroyed from a group of arrogant school boys.

I felt dead inside.

I felt hollow.

My heart sunk down to my feet as I put the pieces together. I really didn't think it could be him, I didn't think that he could be putting my gang and my life in jeopardy.

How could I be so stupid? Scars practically run in my father's bloodline of our names, except Jewels had switched the fixed pieces and broke them.

Green. Emerald has green beautiful eyes that still looked as fresh as they did when he was a child. I couldn't remember his whole face, but when Patrick had told me that the man who gave him the information had a rectangular scar, all I could see were those green eyes. But with all of my opponents, all of the hostages and gang members I have come across, I thought I was only thinking of their eyes. But who could I be fooling when Emerald's eyes are as green as a spring leaf.

Scar. He had gotten his scar from when his father used to beat him, and he had actually cut a piece of his skin off to make it look like an emerald gem on his right hand since he writes with it, so he never forgets his past. I remember he had come to my house with his hand bandaged up and as the months passed, his scar started to form. And just like Patrick had said, it was harsh.

"Someone gave it to me..." I don't know how Emerald had gotten the location of my base but I can only assume that he decided to follow me or placed a tracker in my car that I didn't notice. Which reminds me, I have to have someone scan my cars for any trackers or bugs.

"Do not trust those around you that you call family..." I thought Kyle was referring to my boys since they knew the location of my base, but my suspicions were right and they wouldn't have done that to me. I mean, of course Kyle didn't know my real identity because he only referred to me as Silver. If he knew my name then he would've taunted me with it and used it to get under my skin, but he didn't, because he doesn't know.

Emerald must've said something about being cousins with the infamous Silver. That's why Kyle knew about Emerald being my family because he knew we were blood related.

And all of that new wisdom itched my skin like there were bugs crawling under it.

I sealed my eyes tightly as I started getting a head ache from the new information. My blood was boiling and I was sure I could feel my pulse in my hands. Everything was just so quick, so uneasy, so unbelievable.

"Diamonds!" I heard Austin call me over.

I opened my eyes and instead of staring down at the black tar of the road, I was staring down at Soldier's beautiful crystal blue eyes. He cocked his head to the side and eyed me with wonder as my head started to spin with outrage. Soldier barked loudly and it was enough to bring me back to reality and start moving my feet towards the guys.

"Get to my fucking house, now," I hissed.

They didn't take a second to move and they all quickly hurried to their cars. I let Soldier slip in first before I got into Robin and we started racing our way to my mansion.

My knuckles tightened themselves around the wheel and I glared at the road in front of me. Anger rushed down to my foot on the gas pedal and a loud hum of my engine rang through my ears like a perfect harmony. I gently pushed Soldier down to the floor of the passengers side and made dozens of sharp turns until we were at my mansion.

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