XXXXXIV - Dog Park

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Joy bubbled in me as I strutted through the base confidently. I was happy to bring a family back together and give them a home to live in for as long as they want, and to protect them until they're safe. It's like one of my massive good deeds, and Lord knows how long it's been since I've done one.

I skipped to Patrick's room with Soldier by my side and knocked a playful rhythm, "Patrick?" I yelled on the other side of the door.

"Come in!" I heard him yell.

I put in the passcode and when the door made a loud click, I stepped inside the room to see Mary and Patrick drawing with crayons on the floor.

"Soldier!" Mary giggled when she saw the hound. She hugged him tightly and he licked her face cheerfully which made her laugh, "Pretty doggy," she said.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and turned to Patrick, "Hey, get some things together, you're coming with me," I said in a serious tone.

He shot up from his position and fiddled with his fingers, "Wh-Where?" He stuttered nervously.

I smiled behind my mask but he couldn't see it, "You'll see," I said teasingly.

Patrick hesitantly started putting his shoes on as well as helping Mary put on hers. They put their things in their suitcases and followed Soldier and I out of the room.

As we started making our way to the garage, I couldn't help but feel more excitement rise in my body with the surprise I planned for them. They're all going to be so happy, so joyous and I'm going to be the one to give it to them. Doesn't it sound so wonderful?

When we got to my Range Rover, some of my members also got into SUV's to follow me to the penthouse for extra precaution. Uncle Amethyst was using this family as leverage, and I was going to keep them guarded at all times.

We sped out of the garage just when I saw Patrick put on Mary's seatbelt. My members followed closely behind me as we got onto the bridge of the highway. Patrick seemed to be highly nervous while Mary just looked around confusedly, "Where are we going Silver?" She asked innocently.

I grinned, "Don't worry peanut, it's a safe place," I assured.

Patrick tensed up from my statement, probably thinking that this 'safe place' was heaven, or a coma, or a concussion - I don't know. He just looked like he pissed himself from the back seat and that made me giggle.

I swerved past cars, eager to get to the penthouse and give this family a new home. My hands tightened on the steering wheel to contain my happiness but my smile never left my face once, I've never found not smiling so hard to do before.

Soon, we arrived in the parking lot of the complex and I hopped out of the Range Rover to let Soldier out as well. Patrick helped Mary get onto the pavement while my members approached us with rifles in their hands.

"C'mon," I encouraged, resulting in Patrick breaking from his gawking state and to follow me with Mary's hand in his.

We all fit into the large elevator and I played with Soldier's fur eagerly. Mary kissed the large dog and the elevator dinged from arriving at the ninth floor.

I heard Patrick gasp from the view outside of the window and I smirked mischievously. The view from their window is much more better than this one, I know, because I picked it.

We walked down the hallways in a large group as I heard my men's heavy footsteps from behind me. The sound of the rifles brushing up against the men's bullet proof vests were very faded and I was glad that the complex was far from authority so nobody could see us.

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